
You have the Power of change, living in you.

The concept of a divine or God Power resonates with many spiritual and philosophical traditions. It speaks to the idea that there is a transcendent force or energy within and around us, capable of influencing our lives in profound ways. This Power, is activated through our thoughts, words, beliefs, and emotions, highlighting the interconnectedness of our inner world with the outer reality we experience.


Understanding this Power as a loving presence that desires joy for us can be transformative. It shifts our perspective from one of fear or limitation to one of love and possibility. When we recognize the inherent goodness and potential within ourselves, we can begin to harness this Power to create positive change in our lives and in the world around us.

It’s a reminder of our agency and responsibility in shaping our experiences and contributing to the greater tapestry of existence. Embracing this understanding can empower us to live more authentically, intentionally, and joyfully.

For you deserve Peace, Love, Joy and Abundances of many kinds in your life.

Understanding the Power Within will be a journey of your soul. 

A journey of discovering who you are, what you are.

A Journey worth taking.