Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
Kathy Ann-Dead Girl Talking
Embracing Love: Understanding God Lives in All
Welcome to Understanding the Power Within, Simply, Easily. This is Kathy Ann, Dead Girl Talking. I say this because the words that come through me, are offered from spirit. The latest thoughts that have crossed my mind, that feel like they need to be shared, are the thoughts of religions. For there are many out there, and there are many people who find their peace of mind through religion. There are many who find their love of God through their religion. And any time you can find your peace of mind, love for God, love for others. You are on the right path.
There are also many who believe that their religion is it. Many have died through the centuries because of this. Many have been persecuted. Many have been shunned for their beliefs, for their own personal way of believing in a loving Creator.

When ego steps in, ego decides. And when others are judging, or if you are judging another, because of who they are. Because of what they are. Because of who they love. Because of what they believe, your ego has stepped in. And your ego has taken over. Because you have decided that your way is right, and you have taken words that have been changed through the centuries to what man has thought that God should think, and then use those words to judge another.
I can tell you from my experience of having had a near-death experience, that God is unconditional love. He does not judge another as our ego judges another. He loves all, and it is important to know this. Because if you are saying that you are spreading the word of God, then you must realize that the word of God is love and only love. There is no judgment in it. There is only love. There’s only an offering of peace of mind and peace to your body, when you understand and really fall into the word the feeling of God. When ego is in the way of the trueness of love, wars break out fights break out. There is a dislike from many towards many, thinking that they know what is right. Thinking that they are the ones who should tell you how to think.
This is not the way it is. You see, if you love someone unconditionally, as your God loves you, you will not judge them, but you will guide them with love. And you will not try to change them to what you think they should be. You will accept them, with love. And you will not tell them that they are a sinner. You will not tell them that they are a lost sheep. For you will understand them through love. And through love, you will offer them peace of mind. And when another has peace of mind, the anger or the feeling of being judged, or the feeling of being wrong, or wronged leave them.
And now they too can offer love. And isn’t that what this is all about? Love? Love conquering all? Love being the strong? Love being the way? Love cannot be strong and love cannot be the way if ego has taken over. You must know this somewhere within your soul. It is important to understand the unconditional love of God. If you are wanting to help another, you do it through love. You do it through patience. You do it by offering peace, by offering gratitude for who they are. Understanding that they, as well as you, have God living in them. God does not shun Himself. And to say that another is shunned because of what they say, who they are, who they love, is missing the point of who we all are.
We are all lights of God living on earth, to offer this light to another. And the light is dimmed when judgment steps in the. Light is dimmed when ego steps out.Many douse the light totally out in their righteous thoughts. Know that even when you are thinking these righteous ways, and you are trying to put your agenda onto another, put your beliefs onto another. God still loves you unconditionally. And he loves this other person the same, unconditionally.
You bring out the best in people when you love them, and offer them support. This is when the world starts to change. This is when peace will start to take over. When you look at another, and though you do not live as they live, you understand that they are on their journey. And this is the journey that they need for their soul. Peace and love take over when ego steps out of the way and allows the light within you to come out. To shine.
Now, how do you do this? You do this by accepting in your mind and accepting in your heart that God loves you unconditionally. And there is no one who can threaten your way of life. For you are loved unconditionally. And when you understand this, this person that you are trying to change, who actually feels a threat to you because of their difference of opinion. This person will not feel threatening to you, and you will understand the unconditional love that lives in them as well. We are here to live in harmony. We are here to spread peace of mind, peace in the heart, peace in the soul.
And to do this, you must go within through prayer and meditation, and allow the loving God living in you to speak to you through love. And then you allow this love to speak to another and to another and to another. We ask you to put the ego to the side and allow the love, the light living in you to show, for all to see, and to grow. As you begin to understand, God lives in everyone, and this light is waiting in everyone to shine. And it shines much easier when you are offering the love of God living in you, free of judgment to another