we are creative force in action

You are Creative Force in Action

Creative Force, Creative Power, is the gift of thought into form.

God Power is within everyone…everything. Creative Force is the pure energy of God-Creator-Spirit.

Everyone has this Creative Power living within. Accepting that this is true. Accepting that your thoughts have formed the life you have created and will create. Accepting that you have drawn to you the people and circumstances that are your life, is where you begin. This is much easier to accept if your life is running smoothly. It is always easier to take credit for the good and point a finger at the unwanted. But when you take responsibility, when you accept that you are given the gift of creating a life you desire, you can then learn to rise above whatever is not pleasing to you. There is a feeling of freedom in knowing that you are not living on the whims of a god who decides who can have and who cannot have.

God is Love and Only Love. He does not judge.
He does not punish. He does not have favor of one over another.

It is our intent to help you to understand how you are the creator of your life. Creating through the words you say, the thoughts you think, the beliefs you have, how you revisit them in your mind and then fuel all of this with your emotions. Some beliefs are obvious. Others have been with you for so long, you don’t realize that they are there. Or you simply believe that, that is how it is and cannot be changed. Step by step, thought by thought, it is our intent to guide you.

As you are reading the articles, bite off the parts that are the easiest to believe. As you slowly “chew” on that morsel, it will become easier to nibble through more and more of “it”. There is no rush in any of this. You will find that if you take the thoughts, words, beliefs, one at a time, you will “grow” faster than trying for that “big leap of faith”. Keep in mind, that finding joy and allowing self love will be a key to much good.

Love is the greatest Power there is.

Self love will open doors to amazing things. As you begin, and throughout this journey, be kind to yourself. Allow the knowing that this is not a quick fix to life, so much as it is a gentle nudging in a direction you are wanting. With patience, with love, with joy you will accomplish much.

We wish for you,
Love in your life.
Peace in your mind.
Joy in your soul.

1 thought on “You are Creative Force in Action”

  1. Pingback: What is this journey? | UNDERSTANDING THE POWER WITHIN

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