
For a Happier You

You are the only one thinking your thoughts,
speaking your words...creating your life.

Step 2: Words-Life Transformation
When you can feel a higher vibration in your words, you will begin to change your life.
Affirmations that you can believe deep within,
will be more affective than words said from memory with not much faith nor feeling.
Step 2: Words-Life Transformation

You have the power to change your life.

But sometimes you may need a little help ridding yourself of old habits. Ridding yourself of old thoughts. Affirmations have been known to help change ways of thinking. When you change your way of thinking, you change your thoughts, which turn into your words. Changing your thoughts and words help to change how you feel about something. Changing your thoughts and words help you to change your beliefs. When this happens, your life will begin to change.

You can change your words,
to change your life!

If you pay attention to those who seem successful, to those who seem to create a life they want, you will notice a common denominator. They believe in themselves. They would not think, speak nor believe that they could fail. They kept their hopes and dreams alive and forged ahead, no matter the challenges. For you see, the challenges are the journey. And the journey can be an adventure of joy, if you allow it to be that way.

If you stumble,
pick yourself up
and keep going.

We have given examples of affirmations to get you started. You can also find more if you search online. We will continue to add more affirmations at WORDSWORTHTHTHINKING.COM. We are also offering guidance on how to create your personal affirmation. When you create a personal affirmation, with your words, it will feel more real to you. You can find this help on our blog entry, GIVE YOUR AFFIRMATIONS MORE POWER.

For more affirmations visit:

We Wish For You
Love in Your Life
Peace in Your Mind
Joy in Your Soul