
There are basic beliefs..

Basic beliefs are the easiest to see, to understand, for you are in the process of creating them, and can decide to accept or decline them.  For example: Someone says something to you that is a new thought, a new idea, a new perspective. You listen to this person and you decide…do I believe this? When these new ideas appear, this is the best time to stop, think.  Does this new thought, this new idea feel good? Does this new idea plant thoughts that uplift me or those around me? You can decide right there and then to accept it or let it go. These thoughts that are being absorbed daily are basic beliefs building your life. If they are with you long enough that you begin to think, that’s just the way it is,…now they have become a core belief. It is much easier to decide to let something go, than it is to try to figure out where it came from, if it is no longer serving you.


Core beliefs are the beliefs...

Instilled in you before you arrived, as well as the beliefs you were raised with. Core beliefs are beliefs so engrained into us, that they are natural to think and easy to believe. Because of this we don’t give them any attention. But these core beliefs shape our world, our lives, our bodies, our health, our wealth, our everything. Some core beliefs are necessary, for they keep us safe, protected. Our parents teach us many core beliefs, as their parents taught them. Some are still of value. Some are not.


Core beliefs are substantiated in
our day to day living.

Core beliefs are substantiated in our daily lives. When we look at our bank accounts, our bodies, our health, we can validate where we are at easily.  It doesn’t matter if it is good or not…we accept it as who/what we are and defend it in our minds, with our thoughts, with our words… with our beliefs. Beliefs so strong we would defend ourselves and our situation, even it is something we do not want. 

Core beliefs are beliefs you have grown with, live with and base your life on. Beliefs handed down through generations, also known as heredity. Beliefs given from dogma, old teachings, the beliefs of others before you. Some are beliefs you picked up on your way through this life, that you decided at one time or another would serve you.  Beliefs that you outgrew without realizing this, so you keep them…because that’s the way it always was, or that’s how it’s supposed to be. Beliefs so quiet, so unassuming, that you can’t understand why this or that keeps happening.

To release a core belief,
is life changing.

Changing a core belief can change your life. If things keep reoccurring in your life, things that do not please you, you may have to find the core of what you believe in, in that instance. To change a core belief you must desire change. This desire must become so strong, that the new desire, the thing you really want, consumes you. You will need a new belief, stronger, more believable than the old one to step into your mind. This can be a challenge for some, for they may have people around them trying to fuel the old belief.  But your new belief is so strong, that you want to tell everyone. You may want to “save” others from this old belief, so you try to convince them.

The best way to help someone is by setting an example.

Words do not teach. Actions teach. As you change you will set an example. If the person/people who surround you want to change with you, they will. But they must do their own work. You cannot do it for them. If they are strongly believing what was, there will be no “convincing” them of your new thoughts. Set an example of kindness, love, understanding. Allow them to think for themselves. Allow them to be as they are, or to change as they wish. For they have their journey and you have yours. Always remember, we are all learning and they are just at a different learning point. Allowing others to be, will help you to grow more easily.

You give yourself, through your beliefs, everything you have in life.

You give yourself, through your own beliefs, everything that is in your life. To know this, to accept this, is to accept full responsibility. To accept this responsibility is the first step in changing your life, in the way you desire. It is your first step towards attaining the health, the wealth, the love, the feeling of worthiness that your loving God has for you. He gives to you all you ask for. By default of your beliefs or by your faith in the new beliefs you develop over time. 

He can only give you what you believe in. He lives in your mind and creates through you. God is a living, growing God. You are his instrument. All you need to know is that you are worthy. No man’s prediction of your health, wealth, worthiness can over come the action of God, living in you. You are the director of this action. He follows your lead, filled with pure love.

Rewrite the script
of your life.

So rewrite your script for this life. Have full faith in the belief that you and you alone are the writer, director and actor in your own play. God is the promise of fulfillment. He is “your Parent” helping you to get it done, exactly as written in the words, thoughts, pictures in your mind. The power of your emotion is the fuel that gets it done.

Your power is here.  Your power is now.  You are the key to writing your life as you want it. 

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