Give Your Affirmations More Power

Give Your Affirmations More Power!

Learn how to give your affirmations power!

Many people understand the process of saying affirmations. Some say them sporadically, some are more consistent. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they are forgotten in the thoughts of the day or the thought of, it’s not working.

Allow us to help you give your affirmations more power.

How do you get to the point of saying an affirmation and really believing it? 

How do you really feel the power of your affirmations? 

How do you know that you have struck a chord, so your faith in it blooms.


Many will say an affirmation hoping, but not necessarily believing.  So they think that they must keep saying the words, over and over, in the hopes that the affirmation will come to life. 

We would like you to understand what activates your affirmation.

It is quite simple, and you will easily be able to follow the steps, that will help you to activate your affirmation. YOU will give your affirmation the power to come to life.

The first thing you must do, is set an intent.

Clearly state out loud, or in your mind, what you are wanting. Either way works. (Many feel that when their words are spoken, there is more power in them. For when they say it out loud, there is more of a feeling of accountability.) Once you have spoken your intent, you may either speak an affirmation you already know. Or sit quietly and allow words to show up in your mind. Write either the affirmation or the words that came to mind on a piece of paper.

Woman with long hair hand against forehead trying to think

Allow the words to play in your mind.

Play with the words a bit. Repeat them a few times. Replace the word(s) that feel off or forced with ones that feel real. Words that resonate in you.

Give your affirmations more power

How do they feel? 

Do they feel real? 

Do they feel forced? 

Do they flow naturally?

Do they clearly state what you are wanting to accomplish?

Continue to do this, until your new affirmation FEELS good.

Then read the affirmation again. Play with it in your mind for an hour, a day. Whatever it takes. Does the affirmation give you a feeling of completion? A feeling of ease? If not, replace the word that feels forced, faked, with another. Keep doing this until the affirmation resonates with you. With your intent. With your feelings. You will know it is right when it rolls off the tongue easily. When it makes you feel really good. When you feel satisfied in your “heart”. When you feel as though your intent is heard. When you feel satisfied. 

Creation is all about feeling and believing.

Affirmations can help.
woman singing a joyful song. give your affirmation more power

Be sure to:

Have fun with your affirmation. 

Maybe give it a joyful melody. 

Start singing it to yourself.

Feel the joy in this. 

Feel the ease of it. 

Feel your faith in it.

prairie dog with a hat singing into a microphone. give your affirmation more power

As days go by, you might still change a word here or there. 

For your thoughts are adjusting to the feeling of having it. 

Reading/speaking an affirmation another has written is fine. 

But you will feel the difference, you will feel the power in: 



You will feel the power of your beliefs and the joyful emotions created from your personal affirmation.

Created by YOU


We wish for you:
Love in your life
Peace in your Mind
Joy in your sol
Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily