It happened again...
My story continued on. This time in Sedona. I did not know that it had happened, but it did.
It was my 5th time of having a Sudden Death Incident, within the last 7 years.
I never know when “it” happens until I get the phone call. The call from my doctor’s nurse, telling me. This last one lasted 17 seconds. Then my defibrillator kicked in, and brought me back to life. I find it comforting to know that when “it” happens, I am always in a safe place. Sitting, sleeping…and I know that the protection that I have from my guides, is all loving. All caring. Always keeping me safe. The first time it happened was the most traumatic for my family. The first time it happened I had no defibrillator. Paul (my husband) and I had gotten home around 11:30 that January night from our Christmas dinner with my family. The group of people that night included my daughter, some of my siblings, their spouses, nieces, nephews and my mom. It had become a family tradition to go out for a nice meal, then meet at my sister Judy’s house to shoot pool and visit. It was a great way to spend time with family and catch up with the happenings in their lives. Paul & I decided to sit up for a bit so George and Larry, our English Setters could get some exercise. They had been “stuck” in the garage while we were out and they had energy to burn. I sat down in my chair, picked up my camera…I don’t remember anything after that.
Paul told me what happened from there:

We’ve always had a good sense of humor through the years, and this is how he tells the story: “I knew something was wrong, when she stopped talking.” I had taken pictures that night, and was talking about “blackmailing” certain members of my family with some really bad shots of them. 😊 Suddenly I stopped talking. He said I had set my camera down, like I knew something was going to happen and I was slumped over in my chair. He shook me to wake me, but I did not respond. He tried calling my name, shaking me more. Still no response. So he called 911. The 911 operator told Paul to get me on the floor and start CPR immediately. He asked Paul if he knew CPR, to which Paul replied, “I learned it in 1984. I think I have the gist of it.” 😊 So Paul continued chest compressions for 12 straight minutes, waiting for the EMT’s to arrive, with the 911 operator on the phone with him, the entire time, giving encouragement. Freezing rain started icing over the roads. Kevin and Brian were the EMT’s who arrived. As they were trying as quickly as possible to get into the house, Paul is calling to them that the dogs are friendly and don’t bite. In the meantime, Brian said that George and Larry are nudging at his hand and then running to the door. He said he had never seen anything like it. It seemed that the dogs were saying hurry up! They’re this way! Hurry up they’re this way! Kevin said his main concern was how Paul was doing. For someone to do CPR for over 12 minutes is super human. (EMT’s switch turns every 2 minutes.) There were county Deputies there as well. Paul said that he leaned on the half wall, separating our living room from a hallway, and just watched. It was surreal. He was not in a panic…he just watched. The deputies told Paul that he had to leave the room while they worked on me. This was because most family members would “freak out”, but he said he remained calm as he left the room. Kevin said they had to shock me 2 times to get a heart rhythm back. He said once my rhythm was back, my heart beat and my blood pressure steadied, as though nothing had happened.
I was brought to the local hospital, where I was stabilized. Then transported to a hospital an hour away, that specialized in Heart and Vascular. I was iced down for 24 hours, to help to alleviate any swelling on the brain. Then slowly brought back.
I visited Paul, my sister Nancy & my mom
While I was out, Paul said that I came to his beside, kissed him on the cheek and said, “don’t worry, I’ll be just fine”.
My sister Nancy told me that I leaned on the door frame of her bedroom and told her the same thing. I also paid a visit to my mom and told her I was going to be just fine. I have no memory of any of this. I heard music at times, and was told that it was my son playing his handmade flutes for me, to help to inspire my healing. (Root Flute)
I was with my grandson
I have a grandson who died at birth. While I was “out” I was with him. We were standing on a sandy shore, with a large body of water and blue grey skies. He said to me, “What are you doing here grandma? You have to go back.”

I was told I woke up faster than I should have, and they were surprised. What I remember was tubes in my throat and my hands being lightly restrained with ties. I thought…”what am I doing here? Was I kidnapped?” Then they put me out again.
The next time I woke up, I looked at the clock and it said 2:12. Then I was out again. When I woke up a third time, the clock once again said 2:12. A nurse came in to take care of me, then left. I was out again. When I woke up a fourth time, the clock, once again, said 2:12, and the nurse came in to do the exact same thing she had just done. I said to her, “you just did that.” She replied, “no, I just got here.” I thought, it feels like Ground Hogs Day. And come to find out it was!

As I came out of the anesthetic state, everything looked to be alive. The walls, the curtains, everything. It was so amazing. I thought, now I see what they mean when it is said, “everything is energy. Everything is alive.” Pretty cool.

The doctors said that what happened to me couldn’t have turned out any better. I had the most perfect scenario possible. Paul doing CPR. The timing of the EMT’s. The timing at the hospital to ice me down. The timing of everything…it was perfect. They were astounded! I am told that happy ending to this event was nothing short of miraculous.
Most people do not survive, and if they do, they have some type of impairment.
I do not.
I am blessed.

Since I have been back, I have always felt as though a part of me is still there.
Like my mind is in both worlds.
I was writing before the incident, but since I’ve “been back”, the writings have become more and more.
And these writings always come back to one basic thing...
Our Creator is Love and only Love
We were created from this Love. Our core, our true essence is Love. And we are here to remember this. We are here to understand this Power living within. We are here to understand that we created all we have. We are here to understand that there is no judgement on us, and we should not judge another. We are here to learn, to understand…to Love as our Father, our Creator loves us. When we can understand this, even just a little more than we do in this moment, we are becoming more of the likeness of our true self.
Every time I “come back”. Every time I take new breath, something changes in me.
I can’t wait to see what these changes will become.
Kathy Ann