Peace in your mind is self healing for your life.
Peace of mind is healing. Seeking peace in your mind, even for a moment here or there throughout your day, will allow peace to enter your body, your world. It will allow that peaceful, peace filled place in your mind to grow. You are vibrational energy. Peace is the vibrational energy of love, of healing. You become more and more the energy you emit, so it is important to allow peace into your mind, and allow it to linger there. Overtime this will manifest peace in your life. Peace in your body. When you take a moment to feel this peace, you will know…all is good. All is love. Allow peace to fill you as you quietly sit, as you take walks in nature, as you enjoy music or while you are enjoying time with family or friends. Just take a minute to absorb the thoughts of peace, satisfaction, love.
Attaining peace of mind, is as easy as breathing in and out.
Peace of mind is always available, at any moment in your life. It is as simple to access, as it is in taking a moment to breathe. It is a simple as taking a moment to focus on breath. As you relax your mind, breathe. Easy in, easy out. Easy in, easy out. Allow your thoughts to float away, and just enjoy the moment. You will find, as you take more moments here or there, they will become part of your daily habits, because it feels good. When you set apart a few moments of each day to just breathe, the guidance you want, the words you seek, the solutions you seek for the questions you have will begin to appear in your life.

Answers may appear in different ways.
When you allow your mind to feel peace, the answers you want for the questions within will appear more easily, for you will be able to recognize and accept them. You will be on the same vibration. A vibration of peace. A vibration of love. For you will have taken the time to tap into the infinite intelligence that is available to everyone at all times. When your energy, your vibration is a match to this, ideas flow. A feeling of joy, a feeling of wanting to accomplish your new idea will fill you. Now, you may say…I didn’t hear a voice while I was breathing (meditating). I only heard my own voice. If the voice you hear as yours gives ideas that create joy, love for yourself and others, ideas that move you into a direction that feels good, then you did hear the “voice” of guidance. (Sometimes it just sounds like you.)
But I don't hear anything when I quiet my mind.

You may say, I didn’t hear any voices to guide me. That is not an unusual reaction. Sometimes, because the voice sounds like you, you might ignore it. Sometimes, when you are done taking your quiet moment, you walk away thinking that nothing happened. Here’s how it works for most. Ideas, thoughts sometimes take time to manifest. For you can only manifest what you are wanting, in believable ways. Pay attention as you are going through your day. When you have an “aha” moment, that is the voice, that is the guidance you were seeking. That is your “help” offering words, thoughts, that sound like or feel like your own. They are ideas, words, nudging you into the direction of whatever it is you are wanting to manifest. These nudges always come from a place of love.
Sometimes acting on these nudges takes a leap of Faith.
There are many who pay attention, notice and act upon these words, these ideas. There are also many who push these ideas away as impossible. Know that the impossible is never presented. It just takes faith and courage to move in their direction. These words, ideas, instinctive feelings are the “aha” moments that could help you to create the life you long for. Taking the first step can be intimidating. But the moment presented, the idea presented, and the choice to act upon it, or to leave it be, is always yours. There is no coercion. There is no “have to do” anything. You choose to act, or not.
Trust what feels right to you.
When you have peace in your mind, the peace in your body and the peace in your life become natural manifestations. When your mind is filled with peace you will trust your thoughts. You will trust your instincts. And because of this, your actions will follow suit. When you have peace in your mind, you will move towards whatever it may be that you are wanting more easily. Taking moments everyday to breathe and feel this peace will help you to allow peace in your life. This peace that you feel will emanate from you, and the vibration of peace from you, will be felt by others. The peace you feel will be an example for others. Be sure to take moments out of everyday to stop, breathe and to allow your good to come to you and fill your life.

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