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Understanding the Power Within

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My near death experience was profound and transformative. 

It’s incredible how this experience has shifted my perspective and has ignited a desire to share newfound

 insights with others.  The idea of a Creative Power residing within each of us, offering unconditional love and 

the ability to shape our lives, is both empowering and inspiring. Helping you to understand this Power and 

realize your  self-worth is a beautiful mission. When you recognize your inherent value and tap into your 

creative potential, you can indeed cultivate a life filled with peace, love, and joy. 

This is about awakening to the possibilities within and embracing your journey.

Embrace Your Worth: Overcoming Self Doubt

Embrace Your Worth: Overcoming Self Doubt

In today's episode, we delve into the intricate relationship between self-doubt and worthiness. We explore why we often doubt ourselves despite truly desiring something, and how our thoughts, words, and emotions influence our sense of self-worth.

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How a Positive Mantra Can Transform Your Day

How a Positive Mantra Can Transform Your Day

Discover the transformative power of positive thinking in this enlightening episode. Learn how the simple phrase "Today is an amazing day" can help you shift your mindset, replace unwanted thoughts, and bring more joy and contentment into your life.

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Unlocking Inner Wisdom: Finding Answers Within

Unlocking Inner Wisdom: Finding Answers Within

In this episode, we explore the journey of searching for what you desire in life. Often, people look outward for guidance through books, mentors, and various practices. While these can be helpful starting points, the true answers lie within you. We discuss the importance of meditation and quieting the mind to access inner wisdom.

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Unlocking the Power of Faith Within

Unlocking the Power of Faith Within

In today's discussion, we delve into the profound subject of faith. While many people associate faith with a higher power, this episode emphasizes the importance of having faith in yourself. Your Creator's love and support are constant, but true faith begins from within.

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Breaking the Chains: Transforming Habits Through Self Love

Breaking the Chains: Transforming Habits Through Self Love

Explore the connection between your beliefs and your habits. Understand how changing your core beliefs about yourself can make it easier to break free from habits that don't serve you. We discuss the importance of recognizing your worth and how self-love and kind words can transform your life.

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The Power of Words & Thoughts: Transform Your Life From Within

The Power of Words & Thoughts: Transform Your Life From Within

Discover how your thoughts are the seeds of your reality and how your words can either nurture or hinder your growth. Learn the importance of walking away from negative conversations and environments that don't serve your goals. By focusing on gratitude and abundance, you can attract more of what you desire into your life.

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The Power of Love: Unlocking Inner Peace

The Power of Love: Unlocking Inner Peace

Explore the profound idea that love is the essence of our creative and life sources, and learn why it's essential to stop seeking love from others and start cultivating it from within. Understand the role of self-love in feeling worthy and deserving, and how this self-worth can attract everything you desire in life effortlessly.

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Trusting The Creative Power Within

Trusting The Creative Power Within

Today we are speaking of trust. What naturally follows knowing your worthiness is to trust, to allow the power living within you to come forth. You are learning a new way of thinking, a new way of understanding how you get what you get in life. Some may have already tried to implement what many call the law of attraction and have hit or missed results. Listen to our Podcast to learn more.

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The Key to Manifesting Your Desires

The Key to Manifesting Your Desires

Today, we explore a concept that seems simple, yet often feels impossible: letting things be. When you are manifesting, you do the mental work of bringing an idea to life, filling your mind with joy, and believing in your worthiness. Listen to our Podcast to learn more...

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Unlocking the Power Within: A Journey of Focus and Transformation

Unlocking the Power Within: A Journey of Focus and Transformation

Today, we seek to deepen our understanding of what it means to focus. We dive into how focusing isn't about giving direct attention to the issue but more on concentrating your mind on what you are desiring to fulfill. This episode provides insightful perspectives on how focusing mindfully on the now can actually lead to significant changes in your life.

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Transform Your Life Through Affirmations

Transform Your Life Through Affirmations

Today we are exploring the potent impact of self-spoken affirmations on our lives. Impacting ourselves and others, the words we say can cultivate our realities, and sometimes, unconsciously so. In our discussions, you'll learn that if something is in your life, you have in one way or another invited it. However, traceability of some decisions can be challenging, and dwelling over them might just re-trigger the associated experiences. Our goal is to guide you in avoiding this emotional relapse. Instead, we aim to help you focus on affirmations that feel good, that resonate with you and fill your mind with positivity whenever faced with undesired circumstances.

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Understanding The Power of Your Thoughts Through Prayer

Understanding The Power of Your Thoughts Through Prayer

In this episode, we delve into the profound subject of prayers and how they are always answered, shaping our lives in unexpected and enriching ways. The episode focuses on the recent shamanic fire ceremony where participants cast their unwanted problems into the fire with the intention to cleanse and rejuvenate their lives. The ritual symbolizes the unwavering faith and trust one must have in their prayers, trusting they are heard and always answered. The discussion then shifts to how these answers manifest in our lives often through observations and insights, focusing on quotidian events, symbols, conversations, and even spontaneous thoughts. We explore how it’s our responsibility to recognize and act on these manifestations, slowly but steadily incorporating them into our lives, shaping our thought processes and beliefs.

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Shaping Your Life Through Beliefs

Shaping Your Life Through Beliefs

In this episode, we delve deeper into the roots and impacts of beliefs. Serving as crucial parts of our identities, beliefs can shape our futures and determine what we attract. Unbeknownst to many, our beliefs gradually turn into reality, sometimes taking a day, other times several years. But one thing is certain: they do manifest. A key understanding to carry is that beliefs are personal. They are like seeds that can only grow in your mind when you permit it. Both positive and negative, they are simply energy vibrations, and one can distinctly feel their highs and lows during conversations and reflections. It is crucial to neutralize the perception that others possess power over your beliefs. Instead, we should recognize the power that resides within each of us - our thoughts, emotions, and words.

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The Key to Making Your Desires a Reality

The Key to Making Your Desires a Reality

In today's episode, we dive deep into the concept of believability - the capacity to wholeheartedly believe in your desires and visualize their eventual manifestation. Drawing on the wisdom inindigenous mantra 'Ask and it is given', we discuss the importance of unshakable faith and ample patience in realizing your dreams. It doesn't matter what your heart aches for - joy, love, peace of mind, fulfilling relationships or material achievements; the key lies in making them believable to your soul. This episode guides you on a path of introspective meditation, where for just 15 minutes every day, you can cultivate faith, clarity, and conviction towards your aspirations.

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Embracing Imperfections and Exuding Love

Embracing Imperfections and Exuding Love

In this episode, we discuss the importance and notion of beauty, not just in the world around us but primarily within ourselves. We explore the significance of seeing the beauty in everything and everyone, including the so-called imperfections. It's about recognising the worth of your uniqueness and cherishing the variety it brings to the world. Emphasising the critical role that these perceived flaws play in the development of your soul. A key theme throughout is the concept of beauty as a gift, present in every individual and every situation, regardless of how undesirable it might seem. We delve into the ways to unravel this embedded beauty, starting with battling the biases in our thoughts and perceptions. It encourages us to codify things differently and view them through lenses of love, care, and empathy.

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Understanding the Power of Assessment Over Judgement

Understanding the Power of Assessment Over Judgement

Today we delve into the realm of self-perception and judgment and discover a more uplifting alternative. For many, judgments, quick conclusions based on incomplete facts, often lead to negative feelings. However, we offer a solution that replaces these hard-hitting judgments with assessments, a practice that promotes understanding over immediate conclusions. The art of assessing allows you to look at situations, yourself and others, from a neutral standpoint, dissecting each component without being swayed by heightened emotions. This practice takes you a step away from self-criticism or unfair judgments towards others, guiding you to treat every situation as an opportunity for growth. Taking a step back, questioning your actions and feelings without harsh self-judging can help catalyze affirmative changes in your life.

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Discovering the Power Within-In Nature

Discovering the Power Within-In Nature

In this episode we highlight the sacredness of being outdoors, being immersed in the natural ambience. As you let the chirping of birds, rustling leaves, and blowing wind soothe your soul, we explain how you are connecting with the divine- the loving Father, God, Creator, All That Is. You are not just exploring nature, but allowing and easing into a semi-meditative state. The significance of daily walks in nature or at least once a week despite the busy schedule is emphasized. It instructs on using these precious moments to breathe, relax, liberate your mind and attain whatever you're wanting in life easier.

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How to Protect Your Innate Power

How to Protect Your Innate Power

Today, we delve into the topic of how our innate power can sometimes be unintentionally handed over to others. This transfer can happen through feelings of guilt, doubt or obligations to said individuals. Essentially, our power is surrendered when we bow to the wishes of others against our own preferences or when we assist those who seem trapped in their cycle of problems. We become weak when we place ourselves at the mercy of someone else's judgment or diagnosis without stern belief in our own healing prowess.

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Mastering Emotions, Beliefs and Creating Reality

Mastering Emotions, Beliefs and Creating Reality

In this episode, we delve deep into the discussion around our beliefs and how significantly they shape our lives. This episode casts light on how our one thought, word, belief, entwined with emotion, holds the immense power of shaping our reality. We reflect on a personal encounter to illustrate how fear or anxiety about the future can lead to manifesting a thought into reality. In this enlightening journey, we underscore the fundamental assertion that each of us is a soul in a body with remarkable creative power. Realizing this, we can learn to shift our focus away from anxious thoughts, towards ones that emanate peace, love, and happiness. Furthermore, the episode encourages the practice of daily affirmations to keep our minds imbued with joy and happiness.

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The You Experiment-Unlocking Unconditional Love From Within

The You Experiment-Unlocking Unconditional Love From Within

This episode explores the underlying importance of unconditional self-love in our everyday lives. This episode aims to help you reach a pivotal understanding, that deep within you is a reservoir of unconditional love, an energy that is inherently part of you, an energy that encompasses God's love. The 'you' experiment delves into the exploration of this cosmic love. It encourages you to love yourself without reservations, to become the embodiment of this ethereal energy. By doing so, you allow yourself to live in the moment, to feel happy and content with the person in your reflection without fear of judgment, to radiate love so profoundly that it inspires those surrounding you.

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The You Experiment-Realizing Your Inherent Beauty and Worth

The You Experiment-Realizing Your Inherent Beauty and Worth

This episode is dedicated to encouraging listeners on a transformative journey of self-love. It is a simple 30-day experiment of speaking to yourself with kindness and love. However, do not be overwhelmed by the number. Instead, take it one day at a time, focusing on positive affirmations. Begin your day by looking at yourself in a mirror and acknowledging your beauty. Acknowledge the uniqueness, originality, and perfection in you, allowing yourself to admire the differences that make you who you are. Remember that your so-called imperfections are parts of your uniqueness, they complement the learning, growth, and essence of giving and receiving help.

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The You Experiment-Set Out on the Journey of Self-Love

The You Experiment-Set Out on the Journey of Self-Love

we embark on a fascinating discussion revolving around a theme many tend to overlook - self-love. Similar to the famous plant and water experiments, where the living matter flourished or withered based on the words they received, we delve deep into a 'You Experiment' that invites you to treat yourself with kindness. Everything is vibration. The words you utter to yourself, the feelings you harbor and the thoughts you cultivate have an immense power to create your reality. Hence, a shift in self-dialogue can catalyze a transformation in your life. When you prudently choose uplifting, loving words for yourself, you not only enhance your self-image and self-esteem but also regulate the course of your life.

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Lessens From My Near Death Experience

Lessens From My Near Death Experience

Our host shares deeply personal insights acquired during the 12 minutes spent in a state of flatline in 2016. The revelation at the core of this discourse is the concept of unconditional love. The host came back with a renewed understanding that everyone, without exception, is loved unconditionally. This divine love transcends human judgment, imbuing us with absolute worthiness. Our host also emphasizes the importance of self-worth. Knowing one’s worth leads to inner peace, enabling individuals to let go of personal grievances, accept others, respect their choices, and let them traverse their journey independently. Ultimately, self-worth acts as the conduit for the divine love to express itself through you.

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Step 4: Emotions-Creating a Joy Filled Life

Step 4: Emotions-Creating a Joy Filled Life

We explore the role of emotions in the creation of our life experiences. In this episode, we delve into the crucial role of emotion – the fourth ingredient in creating our lives. Emotion is the fuel that drives our desires and ambitions, regardless of whether they're positive or negative. Your Creator, with unconditional love, fulfills your thoughts and what you give emotion to.

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Step 3: Beliefs-The Secret Ingredient of Your Life's Creations

Step 3: Beliefs-The Secret Ingredient of Your Life's Creations

This episode aims to help you reach a pivotal understanding, that deep within you is a reservoir of unconditional love, an energy that is inherently part of you, an energy that encompasses God's love. In this enlightening discussion, we delve into the fascinating topic of belief, a central part of our life's creation recipe.

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Step 2: Words-Life Transformation

Step 2: Words-Life Transformation

In this episode, we delve deep into the generative personal power that exists within every one of us, and how we can harness it for our benefit. This power is akin to a divine power, offering nothing but unconditional love.

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Step 1: Mastering Your Thoughts to Reshape Your Life

Step 1: Mastering Your Thoughts to Reshape Your Life

Welcome to a profound journey of self-discovery in our episode "Understanding the Power Within, Simply, Easily". This episode is based on harnessing the immense potential that lives within you, waiting to be directed by none other than yourself. In this intriguing exploration, we delve into the power of thought, and we start from the beginning to explain how a thought starts the creative cycle in your life.

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Intro-A Journey to Unconditional Love and Genuine Happiness

Intro-A Journey to Unconditional Love and Genuine Happiness

Understanding the Power Within, Simply, Easily explores the underlying importance of unconditional self-love in our everyday lives. This episode aims to help you reach a pivotal understanding, that deep within you is a reservoir of unconditional love, an energy that is inherently part of you, an energy that encompasses God's love.

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