Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Shaping Your Life Through Your Beliefs
Today we are going to talk more about beliefs and where they come from. Beliefs and how you absorb them. For beliefs are a very key part of who you are. If you really believe in something, it will find its way to you. You may not know how much time it will take. You may even think in the back of your mind that this isn’t true. But over time, you will see that belief come to life.
Sometimes it takes a day. Sometimes it takes years for the path to open, for that belief to get to you. Now, when you’re in conversations with people and they are saying things, that you do not wish to believe in, it is so important for you to understand that their belief is theirs and can only become yours when you allow it to be. When you let it get into your brain and worm it in there a little bit, when it starts to take root in your thoughts, when you you start to have conversations about the belief that you’re not wanting,

Even if you think this is a belief that does not serve you, does not bring you joy or will not bring you joy or pleasure. When you start to talk about it and you start to ruminate on it, it will turn into your belief.
Beliefs can be positive. Beliefs can be negative. They’re just beliefs in the end. They’re just two different forms of energy. One energy is on a high vibration. One energy is on a low vibration. And you can definitely feel the difference when the words are spoken to you, or when you speak the words to someone else. When you are thinking about it and you can feel in your gut. If it is a high or a low vibration. You cannot point the blame at the other who is offering the words of their belief to you, for they cannot force you into any belief. They cannot control your mind. You control your mind, and you are the one in charge of allowing them or not allowing them in. When you are thinking that someone else can control your thoughts, when you are thinking that someone else has power over your beliefs, you will find yourself spiraling.
So it is very important to understand this and to understand that the power is you. The power lives in you. You are the power of your beliefs. You are the power of your thoughts. You are the power of your words, of your emotions. You are the power of all of it. And this is very important to understand and to claim. For then you will be more selective in the beliefs that you are accepting from others, or declining from others. You will be the one who is controlling your thoughts. When you feel that someone else has control over your thoughts, you have given them that power over you.
And that is not something that you are here for. You are here to learn of the power in you and to shine this power out to others. This power is love. This power is light. This power is God. This power is everything. And this power is a gift given to you for you to create a life that pleases you. This is not a power given to another over you. It is important to know this, to understand it, and to know how it works. When you are speaking with someone and their beliefs are not your beliefs and you do not want these beliefs, you must change the subject. You must walk away. You must do whatever it is you must do to get out of that conversation, to get away from those beliefs. If it is a person who is speaking of things that you want in your life, beauty, love, joy, the things that we’re here for, if you are speaking with a person in this manner, and you do not feel like you have these things in your life at this point, that is when you hang on to the words, and you ruminate those words in your mind and you linger and linger and linger on them to bring them into your belief system.
And the belief will come to you in a manner that is believable to you. In the manner of your thoughts, your words, your emotions towards it. When you are feeling the joy of the day. When you are feeling the joy of the words. When you are feeling love in the words. This is what you are creating. Your path is opening to love, joy, peace. When you can speak of the abundances in life, this is when the abundances show for you. And the abundances come in many different ways. They start to peek at you in gentle, calm ways. But they keep coming if you keep speaking of them. So when you are in a conversation. When you are speaking to someone. If their words please you, stay with that conversation and grow it. If you are speaking to someone and their words do not please you, change the subject or walk away.
Now, when you walk away, sometimes this means over time, the people you walk away from, will drop from your life, because they feel that you are not interested in them. And this could very well be true if they are speaking things that you do not want. When you start to linger on the joyous conversations, the conversations of abundance, of love, of peace, you will bring more of that to you and the people surrounding you will turn into that. And this is how you create more.
You create the feelings of love, peace, and abundance. You create the belief of all of this when you linger in it. When you speak of it. When you feel it. When you look for it in your everyday life. Beliefs are so important. They are things that you have grown with through the years. You just need to pay attention to what you truly believe and change the subject, change the topic, change the words to what you want. But in the end, you must realize you are the only one who creates your life. You are the only one who thinks your thoughts, speaks your words, feels the emotions of these, and believes in them, or does not believe in them. You are the only one. There can be no finger pointing. There can be none of any of that. Just a knowing that you control the outcome of your life. And what a wonderful thing this is to know. What a wonderful thing this is to believe. Believe it with your heart and soul and words and thoughts and emotions.