Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
The Change You Wait For Lives in You
You have the power of change living in you. You have the power of words. You have the power of thoughts. You have the power of love. Many are waiting for God to come down, save the world. Some wait for his wrath upon others that they feel have done wrong. Some wait for his love to wrap the world in.
We are telling you that it is already here, and it is already now because it’s within you. You are the messenger of love. We all are the messenger of love. We are the emanation. We are the mind of God. We are the soul of God. Each of us is connected fully at all times to God, and each of us has the connection, at all times to offer his love.

The choice is yours, and the choice comes through the words you speak. The choice comes through the actions you take. The choice comes through the thoughts that roll around in your mind, and the power comes alive with your actions. How are you acting with others? What are you saying to others? What vibration, what words are you putting into the world? The love of God is here and now. It is up to each of us to open to this love, to be aware of it, and to offer it to others. It is easily done once you make up your mind to do it.
It is easily done through kind actions, through kind words. It is easily done through a hug. It is easily done through saying nothing at times and just allowing another to be. It is easily done when judgment is withheld about another, or even about yourself. It is easily done when you look in the mirror and decide that you are worth the love living in you. It is easily done when you look at others and look for this love within them. It is easily done when you show compassion towards someone who is going through something that you do not understand. It is easily done when you realize that God lives in everyone one. And it does not matter what their race, what their gender, and what their preferences are to whom they love.
When you realize that God is in each one of these beings, living there, waiting to express love through that person as well. When you realize that the light lives in you and the light lives in everyone around you. And when you start to look for the light, offer the light from you to another, and then look for and help them open to this light through love. It is not through what you believe they should be. And it is not through what you believe they should believe. It is not through the thoughts of you having to save everyone or anyone. God lives in all, so there is no saving necessary. Only the opening to the light.
So many wait, thinking that God will come down with his wrath or with his love, depending upon their own beliefs. If you could understand that he is already here. Already living and being in everything you look at. Everything you see. Everyone you speak to, it would change things. There would be no need for vengeance. How can you seek vengeance upon yourself. When you understand that everyone is connected, the vengeance you seek will come back to you, just the same as the love you offer will come back to you. Can you see the difference in the power of this?
The power living in you is the power of love. And if it is not showing through you, it is up to you to begin to offer it. To begin to become it. And you become it by loving yourself unconditionally, and offering this unconditional love to those around you. Can you see what this would do if you would do this? When someone is feeling unloved, they can become spiteful and angry and do things that they would not normally do. For their normal state, their real state, is the loving state that lives within them. But when others feel rejected. When others feel challenged. When others feel neglected. When others feel different, and this difference is pointed out by many through judgment. Can you see where that will lead this person, what path they might take?
But when you are offering the unconditional love that really is within you. That really is God. When you are offering this. When you are offering compassion. When you are offering understanding. When you are offering a quiet moment to hear the other person and what they are going through. When you are offering love. Can you feel the difference within your being of where this will lead? You have the power of change living in you. You have the power of God living in you. And this power is the power of unconditional love. Start to offer more kindness. Start to offer understanding. Begin to withhold judgment and to offer kind words instead, or no words at all, if that is what is necessary.
In that moment, this is how change happens. This is how God shows in the world. He is already here waiting for us to waken to this knowing. And once we waken to it, to offer what he has. And this offering is unconditional love for all. For everyone has the light of God within them. And to have this light shine from the souls that live on this planet will be a magnificent thing. Start with yourself and it will spread to others. It sounds like a monumental task. Asking for peace on earth. But it can be done by beginning with kindness. Beginning with love, and offering the light that already lives in you. You have the power, living in you, of change.