Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of change, lives in you.
Become the love, the light of God living in you.
There are many, there are as many different points of view as there are people in the world. No one point of view will ever be identical to the next because everyone takes it from their vantage point. Everyone’s point of view comes from the life they have lived, the decisions they have made, the people that they have grown with. And even if the people you have grown with are the same as a sibling. Everyone still takes things, hears things in a different manner. In the manner that guides them to the life that they wanted. Or in a manner that teaches them different aspects than the others. And these points of view are so important, that there are differences of opinion. Differences in how we see things. Differences in what we believe in things. This is very important because this is what offers you a different perspective. And perspective, from different points of view are so important. Because this is how we grow our soul.
When you have a point of view that is differing from another, and you can keep this in mind, no matter how right you think you are, they will be standing just as firmly. To understand this. And to offer understanding to the other person. is very important. Because this is how you grow the love that the world is looking for. And who knows, maybe through offering love, the perspective for you or for the other will change. And things will look a bit better than what you maybe think they are looking like. Or things may feel better, because both of you have learned.
There is unrest in the world, there is unrest in the world. And this unrest has been going for centuries. And this unrest has been brought upon people through trying to push one’s opinion upon another. Trying to push one’s beliefs upon another. Trying to force an opinion upon another. And trying to get them to conform, to a certain way of thinking. Peace starts when we begin to understand each other.
Peace starts when we offer love and support, instead of a forced opinion. A forced belief. When you can understand that all of these differences of beliefs, all of these differences of opinions are all just part of living. All just part of learning. And because one believes in something does not mean you need to. And because you believe in something, it does not mean you need to have them believe it too. God loves everyone unconditionally. God loves all of those with the different beliefs in religion. God loves all of those in the different beliefs of spirituality.
God loves all unconditionally. And it is up to us to understand this, and to spread this love, to feel this love within. And we will always say it starts with self-love. It starts within you. What vibration are you offering to this world? What vibration are you offering to another? What vibration are you offering to yourself? We have said illness comes from stress. Illness comes from an unease within you, when you are fighting, we’ll call it, to push what you think to another. This causes an unease within your body that can cause you dis-ease.
Love brings peace. Love brings clarity. Love brings ease. Love is God. Please know this as you are trying to look at the world. And if you are trying to right what you think a wrong is, you must do it through love. You must do it through peace of mind and peace of the atmosphere around you. And you must realize that it is not up to you to save someone, who does not need saving. It is up to you to offer love, support, peace. It is up to you to start the revolution of love, the revolution of peace, by offering this to others. And when you offer this to others, you are not in a confrontational way. You are in a peaceful way. Allowing yourself to walk away from situations, from conversations, that do not bring you ease. Understanding that if the other is so adamant in their way, you will not be changing their mind. And it is not your job to change their mind.
When you can offer love. When you can offer the vibration of peace and understanding, you will see the world change into love and peace and understanding. When you offer confrontation, this is what you will reap in your life. Know this. Become the love that lives within you. Become the love, the light of God living in you. Become peace-filled. Become love-filled. And do not get flustered or angry with another if they think differently. Remember., always come from the point of love and you cannot go wrong. Never come from the point of control. Because over time, this will come back at you. When you try to control what another thinks. Or when you try to control what another should do, or what another should believe, this will grow in you. In an unease. In a dis-ease over time. Because this is not your natural state of being.
Your natural state of being is the light and love living in you. Your natural state of being is love, and it is peace. And when you are not allowing your vibration to fall into this love and peace, which will bring you much joy. Over time, things may turn in a way that you will not like. And it will have been your own doing. Though you may not think so. Love, peace, understanding, joy. These are the things to keep in mind when you are trying to live your life. Set the example. Be the example. You cannot speak the example. You must show it, through the vibration of your being. That will be a language all will feel, and all will understand.
That is how you speak, so to speak. That is how you offer to this world good, love, peace, understanding. Offer it through your actions and when you do speak, your actions should come through you as love.