Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
Breaking Free of Others Opinion
Many can look back in life, at certain points, where they have been told that they are not enough. The words come to people in different ways through different people. Usually people you look up to, or people who are there to guide you. But they misguide you with the words of “what would this person think” or “why would you do that”? Little scolding words that stay with you over time and cause self-doubt.
Self-doubt is one of the biggest blockers of joy that you will find. When you doubt yourself, you do not look for the joy in things. When you doubt yourself, you are looking for approval. You are looking for someone to tell you that it’s okay and you are okay and what you’re doing is fine. And if you do not get this, if you do not get this approval, you most likely will just drop whatever it is you were going for.

Let us tell you that you do not need approval, because you are enough. You have always been enough. And these little hurdles from others, can be used as a deterrent, or they can be used as a hurdle you will cross. Knowing that when you do this, you will become stronger and you will become an example for others on how to overcome things that slow you down. Things that cause self-doubt.
Loving yourself is so important. Because it will help to rid yourself of this doubt that you have grown with. You will know your worthiness, because you accomplished what you wanted to. You did what you wanted to. And it’s okay to look back and be grateful for those people who caused this slowdown, let’s call it. Who caused this little bit of doubt in your mind. Because it was a great lesson to learn. It was a great lesson to know that you are enough. And when you are always looking and seeking joy, you will continue to cross the hurdles that have been set. The obstacles that are possibly on your path.
Obstacles are a growing point. Obstacles are there to help you to move forward, to grow, and to find your worth. Obstacles are a blessing. Or they are not. You choose. And when you choose them as a blessing. When you choose them as a learning point. You begin to focus on what you are learning, and you begin to focus on moving forward, and you begin to focus on worth. You begin to know that you can do it. And you begin to leave the naysayers out of your mind.
When you can do this. When you can move forward in your life, following the path of joy, you will begin to follow the path you came here for. And you will begin to set the example for another. When you find your joy, you can encourage others more easily. Because you are not worried about what you don’t have and you’re not worried about what they do have. And as you start to encourage, you will discover that most people have obstacles. No matter how perfect their life may look, no matter how they may look like they have it all put together and you wish you could be them.
Do not wish you could be them because you are not them. You are you and they are them, and everyone does have hurdles to cross. When you are happy with yourself. When you are not looking at another and seeing what they have, wondering why you don’t. You will begin to follow this path of joy. And you will begin to accomplish those things. And you will begin to receive those things that are right for you.
Everyone is on their own path. Everyone has their own journey. And everyone has different things that bring joy to them. So release the feelings of judgment. Release the feelings of what would someone else think. Release the feelings of what someone else has. And embrace your feeling of worth. Embrace your feeling of enjoying what you have now, knowing that something better is on the way to you, if you want it.
Stay with your journey. Focus on joy. things to enter your mind and your life. When you begin to allow joy on your journey, your journey will be one of joy. It will be one of love and happiness. Take time every day to relax your mind, to meditate. To pray. And allow peace. Allow words of love. Words of self-love to enter into your mind and into your thoughts of day-to-day life.