Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Breaking the Chains:
Transforming Habits Through Self Love
Life is habits. Habits of belief. Habits of everyday functioning with your thoughts on your body. With your thoughts on who likes you and who doesn’t. With your thoughts on if you have a good life or not. With your thoughts on if you will ever make enough money, or if you have enough money. Life is habits, and a lot of the habits go deeper than what many think.
For they think a habit is is a smoking cigarette. Or a habit is alcohol, or a habit is whatever it may be that would be possibly addictive. But habits run deeper than that. Habits run into your faith, your belief. Into your core belief of what you are. Into your core belief of what you feel you deserve. In your core belief of knowing your worthiness or not.
Beliefs are the basis of your habits. If you’re having a hard time changing a habit, what do you believe in that habit? What is your thought process with it?When you pick up that drink, when you pick up that cigarette when you pick up the food that you normally eat, what is your thought process? What is your belief in that that food, that cigarette, that alcohol. For it or they become a crutch. If you can change your belief, a basic belief about yourself, you will have an easier time changing that habit
Many fall into the thought process of not being worthy, of not being enough. And their habit makes them feel better. Their habit makes them feel, for a moment or two, maybe a little more powerful or a little more in control. But as they look at what this habit is doing to them, they don’t always like what they see, and yet they go back to the habit. For they look in the mirror, and they see themselves, and they see someone who they feel is not worthy of the good that they want.
We will do our best to help you understand that you are worthy. You are loved unconditionally, and you should never question, but instead embrace who you are, and what you are, and go into yourself and find your strength, find your joy, and go with that. You will discover as time goes by, if you are doing this, that habit slowly changes. That habit doesn’t seem to be as important anymore for you are happy. And you may just look at that cigarette or the food that you’re eating in abundance or the alcohol you drink in abundance or whatever it may be. And you may think, I just don’t want that anymore. And this is when you know you have gotten yourself to a place of worthiness in your own mind. We are not saying and we are not judging what you are doing.
We are trying to help you to understand that you are worthy of everything good in life. And when you feel worthy, the habits that you feel are not good. The habits that you were were told are not good will dissipate. Maybe you are not addicted, as they say. But it is a bit of a crutch, for you know you could live with it or without it, and yet you still go back to it. Then you must ask yourself, why? Why do I go back to something? Do you go back to the something out of obligation, out of the habit of just spending time with friends, with family, and this is what you do. You have a drink, you eat lots, you go outside for a smoke break with your friends. Once again, we’re back to habits. However, if you feel that this habit is not serving you, you must, in your mind, decide that you are worth more than what you have been doing to yourself.
No one has done anything to you that you have not done to yourself. For you are the one in control of you. So, blaming a situation, blaming a routine, is not a reason to keep doing what you are doing. When you are surrounded by those who love you and you decide that you want to change a habit, you decide that you believe in yourself more than you believe in the crutch, of whatever that habit may give you, the support you may think it gives you. When you know you are worthy and you decide not to do whatever it is, your loved ones will support you. They will not egg you on and say, just have one or whatever it may be. If they truly understand that you are serious about what you are wanting to change.
Change your belief in your worthiness and allow the things in your life to work for you instead of what you would consider as against you. Your belief in your worthiness starts when you start to give yourself kind words. And this is the strongest way, the first way, the best way to change your belief in your worthiness. You must tune out the opinions of others and you must tune in to kind words that you say to yourself.
Kind words in the morning. Kind words as you fall asleep at night. Kind words when you are eating. Kind words when you are out having fun with your friends. Kind words to yourself will change your perspective of yourself. And as time goes by, those habits that you really don’t want, that have a belief that does not serve your wanting of joy, those habits will slowly fade.
Step one is to be kind to yourself.
So step one is to be kind to yourself. You are the most important person to you. You are you, so you must be kind to yourself. If you are not kind to yourself, who can be? For you will not hear the kind words that they have to say. You may not hear the kind words already. They may be there already from those around you, supporting you, and you might not hear them .For you do not feel the worthiness of kind words. Start with yourself. Start with good words to you. Start with, I love you. You start with, I love everything about you. Start with, you are an amazing person. Start with whatever it is that will help you to move into words of kindness for yourself. Go into a room, quietly sit for 10 or 15 minutes and breathe the slow breaths in and out of meditation, and have your words in your mind. Be those of kindness towards yourself. You are the only one that can change your beliefs. And your beliefs about yourself are the core, are the key, are the basis, the platform of your life. Be kind to you. And you will see others be kind to you as well.
Be kind to you. And you will be more kind to others. Be kind to you and thoughts of judgment towards yourself and others fall away. We want you to know within your core that you are loved by your creator, by God. You are loved unconditionally and you are not judged by your creator. You do enough of that on your own. He just offers the love that you so much long for. And when you discover your worthiness, you discover the everlasting, unconditional love of God. Meditate, look in the mirror and be kind to yourself and be patient with yourself. Beliefs took a while to get there. They may take a while to leave. Depending upon your convictions. There is no time limit on this. There never has been. Just look in the mirror, say kind words. Put on your clothing, say kind words. Walk through your day, say kind words. Feel love for yourself and feel good about yourself.