Can You Create Peace?
Understanding The Power Within
Can You Create Peace?

Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily

You have the Power of change living in you.
Can You Create Peace?

In one of our previous recordings, we talked about assessing a situation instead of judging a situation, to try to understand where the other person was coming from. What the other person is dealing with in their life. What the other person is possibly feeling. Are they happy? Are they sad? Do they feel left out? Do they feel judged? Do they feel loved? What are they feeling
And if you are on the outside of this, what type of energy are you offering to them? Are you offering the energy of love? Are you offering the energy of support? Or if you do not care for their lifestyle. If you do not care for their decisions, their judgments on things of their own, are you judging them for that? Are you trying to turn them into something they are not? Are you trying to push your way upon them, thinking that you’re saving them?

Can You Create Peace?

We can tell you that when you are going about things in the way of judgment, in the way of trying to get your point across because you think you are right, you are going about it wrong. And we say this because the only right way to take care of someone. The only right way to help them. The only right way to ease their pain. The only right way to truly understand them, if they are living a lifestyle you do not care for. The only way to do this correctly, is with love.

Because when you look at them with love, you look at them with understanding. When you look at them with love, you look at them with compassion. When you are looking at them with love, you are in an allowing state. An allowing of more love to come through. It is no one’s place to judge another other one’s life. For everyone has chosen their path. And everyone’s path helps another to learn. When you are learning from someone. When you are learning how to love what you do not approve of. When you are learning how to offer love and support to someone who feels left out. When you are offering love and support to someone who is different. You are now offering the love that God intended for all. When you are offering compassion, compassion takes over. and these feelings of judgment leave. For you now care for this person deeply and you want to help them to live a happy life. To live a joy-filled life. But not a life that you choose for them.  A life they have chosen for themselves.

When you can understand that God loves everyone unconditionally. When you can accept this into your heart, it will be so much easier for you to accept the others, knowing that we are all here to learn. And we’re learning from different perspectives. So people are different because they must be. It is the only way to grow and glorify your soul, through understanding people are different and loving them for their differences. Loving them for who they are, and not judging who or what they are. How they live. Who they live with.

When you are in the position of unconditional love, you are in the position of peace. You are in the position of ease in your mind and the minds of those around you. Peace in your mind and the mind of those around you. And this is how peace spreads. Through kindness. Through love. Through compassion. So, when you are asking for peace in this world, know that it starts within you. Peace is you. Peace lives in you. But you must open up and allow it to come out, to be there. And this peace comes through unconditional love. When you have unconditional love, you have the kindness, the compassion and the patience to allow peace for another.

We will say again that it is not anyone’s position to judge another. For this judgment is where the situations on earth come from. They step in because of the judgment, because one person thinks they know what everyone or the majority of people should be doing, thinking, believing. And this is not the way of peace. This is not the way of God. This is the way of anger, frustration, controlling. This is the way of wars. When you say you want peace, you must act like you want peace. You must act it through your actions towards others. You must live it in your mind through the love and compassion that lives within you. You must start to offer peace to others through your own being. And through your own being is the only way it starts.

And as you start and you spread this peace and love, it will grow. It will grow strong. Unconditional love is what everyone has living within them, and everyone deserves this unconditional love. Everyone. And for you to help them see it would be so important. For you to see it in yourself is so important. Unconditional love is the beginning of peace. When you pray, pray that you can feel this unconditional love in you. Pray for yourself that you may start to love your neighbors, even though you have differences of opinions or differences of lifestyles. Pray for this, because if you are praying for another and yet you harbor feelings, what is the good of the prayer? You cannot pray to change someone. That is not how this works. You pray to help someone. You pray to help yourself feel and know this unconditional love, and then you pray for the peace that it gives you to spread. And then you offer this peace, you offer this kindness to others. Think upon it. Meditate upon it. Pray upon it. Whatever you would like. But know this, peace starts in you and peace starts when you start to accept others as they are, and help them to see the love living within them as well. Helping them to feel this love. That is the quest. That is the journey. .

That is the true-ness of finding God. When you find your unconditional love within. You have found out that God lived within you all the time. When you are looking for God, look within. Meditate and breathe and pray, but know that God lives within you and unconditional love is yours. And it is your gift to share.

You have the Power of change living in you.

We wish for you,
love in your life,
peace in your mind,
joy in your soul.

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