Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Creating Peace Amidst Chaos
Maybe today we’ll just talk about life and what we are doing here, why we are here in the first place, because if heaven is so much better, why wouldn’t we just stay there? Why are we coming to this planet, where there is such chaos. Where there is love and there is also hate? Why at this particular time, are we here?
It’s because we came with an intention of overcoming what’s been happening on this earth. Some people are here to challenge that, and some people are here to take up the challenge. And you know you have taken up the challenge when you are trying your best to find the good in everything. When you are trying your best to release the negative thoughts that want to roll around in your head, and create more negative in your life. You know that you are a champion of love when you are doing your very best to be kind to others. To be kind to yourself. And to walk in the path of peace

That’s not to say that this path is easy or doesn’t have bumps in the road. Because there are always bumps. There are things that will challenge what you believe. There are things that will challenge your everyday life. And a lot of times these challenges are in knowing in your mind what you want, and then thinking that this is what is best for the majority. Maybe you don’t think it’s right for everybody. But you think that it’s what you should do. The right thing you should do to help people. Well, the right thing you should do to help people, the thing to do to help people, is to offer love and to hold back judgment. To offer love and not think you know what’s happening in their life. To offer love without thinking that you have the way, and you have the only way. But this only way that you’re thinking of, it does not exist. There is no one way. There are so many who believe that there is only one way to be in God’s graces, for when you pass away.
And we have been talking about unconditional love for quite a while now. And we know that this is what you will receive in fullness when you transition. We know you will be your judge and your jury, and you will decide your fate when you look. Because you know that when you come back, you can do better. We can all do better, always, because perfection is non-existent. But perfect love, that is existent at all times, living within you. We are asking that you release the judgment that you hold on others. We are asking that you release the judgment that you hold on yourself. We are asking that you allow others to live their life as you offer love, kindness.
You see, if you can start to do this, it will spread to your children and to their children. And then when they are young and someone of their age seems oddly different, instead of of ostracizing them, they may try to understand them. They may try to pull them into the circle of love that they have, with the hopes that this person will accept that love. With the hopes that this person will know that they are loved. And with the hope that this person will not feel judged.
Judgment seems to be a basis for so much hatred. Judgment in itself causes many wars, causes many people to be hurt. Causes much anger on both sides. Because when you are judging and they’re not hearing you, you become frustrated. And when you are judging and they don’t want to hear you because it is not their way, they are frustrated. And then you both become angry. And you can see how this would escalate into something more. Love is the focus. And love does not contain judgment. Love contains love and acceptance and understanding.
This is the path. This is the journey. This is what many came here for. If you have lost sight of this, step back on this track of love. Do not hide behind religions. Do not hide behind old words that are not relevant. Old words that have been changed for man’s own use, at the time that they were changed. When you understand that love is it, love is all, it’s love. When you read the words in any old book and these words have judgment in them, throw those words away. That is not love. That is an opinion. When you are reading an old book and it is talking of one being lesser than another.
This cannot be true for God created all equally. Men, women, and every race. We are all sons and daughters of the creator and we are all here to emanate the unconditional love that this creator has for all of us. Are you emanating love? Are you truly being, as you might call it, or some call it, a God-like person? If you are judging, you are not. If you are telling someone what their right and their wrong is, you are not. Love is the answer, and love can create much good. When you are loving someone and offering them kindness and guidance through the words of love, they will hear you, and they will be able to know that you love them. And that no matter what their decision is, you still love them.
Love is it. Love is all.
Unconditional love lives within every one of us. It is who we are at our core. Try to see this and try to understand this. Be with the people who are love. Be with the people who are kindness. And be with the people who care. When you are on the path of love there’s nothing that can stop you. And you know when you are on this path, and you know when you are not. You can feel it. You can feel the emotions. And when you become defensive, when you are, standing strong in what you have to say to someone else and not hearing them. And thinking they are wrong. You are not standing in a place of love. Love is the answer.
When you are celebrating the love of God with others, be sure that is what you truly are celebrating. Love is kind. Love is giving. Love is forgiving yourself and others. Love is offering gratitude for the things you learn from another. And love is the power of God. And do not forget this power lives in you. And remember to let this light shine through you. Let this light become the light another is drawn to, and then another, and then another. This is how you will create peace. Through love. Through kindness. Through patience. Through understanding. This is how you will create peace in this world, and that is what many say they want.