Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of change, lives in you.
Creating Peace, Through Love & Kindness
Today we speak of love and grace. We speak of love and forgiveness. We speak of love and compassion. We speak of love. Many are looking for this. Many are wanting something in their lives that offers them hope, offers them peace of mind, offers them clarity in the direction in which they are going. Love is all-powerful. Love lives in you. The only way love can take over is by each of us opening our hearts and offering this love, offering the kindness of words, the kindness of actions, the kindness sometimes of inaction and the silence someone else may need as they sit quietly, trying to think things through for themselves.
Love has always been the answer. Many wait for love. They wait for God to appear in their lives and on this earth, to offer to them the love that they are waiting for.

We will tell you that this is already here. It is ready to happen. And it happens when you open your heart and you let the love living in your heart come out. You allow it to shine from you to others. You allow the feelings to grow and the love to grow. You allow what you consider someone else’s misgivings to pass. Do not dwell on negative. You do not dwell on things that at one point bothered you. You dwell on love. You focus on love. You set the example of love.
Yes, God will overtake the world with love. But he does that through you. You are the instrument that God has sent. You are the answer he has sent. We are all the answer to the prayer of, please God, send love and light and peace to this planet. He has done it through you, through me, through all of us. We must be the example setter. We must be the peace. We must be the love. We must be what we are wanting.
It is the only way for it to happen because we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. And the macrocosm is our creator, our God, and we are the minis, the littles. We are the growth of love that we all want. You must be that which you want. You must be that which you crave. You must be the love. You must be the peace. You must be the gentleness and the kindness that you are wanting. You must be it. I must be it. We all must be this. It is the way to love, to peace, to understanding. We are the way to love, to peace, to understanding.
And it starts with each of us looking within ourselves, and seeing what lives there, what lives in your heart, What lives in your soul? What lives in your mind? Is it love? Is it peace? Is it understanding? Because this is where it comes from. God lives in each of us. We are each godly beings sent here to become the peace, to become the love. To become the understanding. There is no pointing of fingers. There is no blaming of others.
Are you following the path of peace? Are you following the path of love? Are you following the path of joy? Are you setting the example? Some may say, but this is hard. I need help with this. and you have the help living within you. You have the love living within you. Know this. Quiet your mind. Meditate. Pray. Pray. Ask for the help that lives within to show and then refocus throughout your day. Refocus, looking for the love, looking for the peace, looking for the understanding, looking for the kindness.
This is how it grows. This is how it becomes. So many want this and yet do not understand that they are the instrument. They are what they want to be. They just need to go within and understand that there it is. There lives God. When you look at your neighbor, when you look at your friends, when you look at your family, when you look at a stranger, there lives God in each of us. How are you treating them? What are you saying of them? Are you spreading kindness, love, and understanding? Are you supporting? Are you helping? How are you acting towards another?
As you know, the way you treat another comes back to you because we are all connected. We are intertwined, and there is no way to undo this intertwining. There is no way to do it, for we are all connected to the great creator. We are all connected to God. And when you do not treat another as you would have yourself be treated, it will come back to you in ways that you may not realize. But you know in your heart that when you treat another with love, love returns. You know within your heart that when you treat another with vengeance, vengeance returns. You know within your heart when you treat someone with kindness, kindness returns. Love, peace, joy, understanding, all of this comes from within you. All of this comes from within you. There is no excuse. There is no pointing the finger to another when you are saying you want peace.
You are peace when you decide to become peace. You are love when you decide to become love. You are joy when you decide to become joy. You are compassion when you decide to become compassionate. Know this and become this. In this day and age where many are acting towards others in a way that is not of love and not of kindness, it is time to look within and to really understand you are the love, you are the kindness, you are the compassion. Have you allowed it to grow? Have you allowed it to become from you, to show another? Have you allowed the God in you, the love in you, the peace in you to grow? This is how peace comes to your world and then to the world.
Look within pray meditate and allow the love that lives within you to begin to grow and show.