Discovering Your Life’s True Purpose: A Journey of Love & Compassion
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Discovering Your Life's True Purpose:
A Journey of Love & Compassion
Today we speak of purpose. For many wonder what their purpose is in this life. They go on with day-to-day living feeling as though there is something more for them to do. But what? Why do they not know? Why do they feel a bit lost when it comes to this subject, this idea?
Each soul has come with a purpose. But once here, if their life seems ordinary, they feel as though they should be doing more. The purpose of each soul is to awaken more and more to who and what they are. Each soul came with the idea of growing love, kindness, compassion.

When you are on this path, you will not feel lost, for you are becoming in the likeness of your Creator. the Life Source within you. Each soul’s purpose is grand, for nothing could be more grand than cultivating love. Some feel as though it must be bigger than this, for they see others on a grander scale visually. But think of it. Not all who are acting on this grand scale are creating love. And if love is not the true purpose, then those souls are off path of the true journey. The journey of becoming.
If you are kind to one soul, and this soul is kind to another, and that soul is kind to another, and so on, how could this be considered small? It is very grand. For this is how kindness, love, and compassion spread. There have been many pandemics that create wars, pandemics that create illness, pandemics that create much sadness and hate. And these were all started one word, one thought, one act towards another at a time. They were started small and were very fear-based.
Love is not fear-based. Love is not a fear-based creation. Love is a creation of building. Building up confidence in another. Building up self-worth in another. Building up the idea of abundance. For love shares. Love gives. Love is the strongest, most beautiful emotion of all. So we get back to the beginning of this. What is your purpose? What is your reason for being here? It is to start the revolution of love. It is to offer acts of kindness. It is to help another. It is to understand your self-worth, so that you may help another understand theirs. It is to understand that creation works through thoughts, words, beliefs, and the emotions given. Then to to look at oneself, look at what beliefs you have with the emotions given and ask, “Is this creation based on love or based on fear?”
Fear will create negative in your life and in your world. Fear creates thoughts of lack. Thoughts of another getting what you are wanting. Or taking what you have. Love creates understanding. Love creates thoughts of sharing. Sharing creates compassion. Love for another is sharing. It’s sharing your abundance. It’s offering the kindness needed, even to someone who may seem a bit grumpy. It is compassion towards the people that maybe rub you the wrong way. It is compassion towards anyone that you run into through the day. For you really do not know what’s happening in their world. You’re not walking in their shoes. So love, love absolutely creates understanding. Love creates the thought of sharing. And thoughts of sharing create thoughts of abundance. All of this creates kindness, compassion, love for another.