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You have the Power of change living in you.
Embrace Your Worth: Overcoming Self Doubt
Today we are talking about self-doubt. Self-doubt and worthiness are hand in hand, and we have talked about worthiness a bit. But let’s put this into another look. Let’s take a look at it as self-doubt. For we want something or we want to be something and we doubt ourselves. Why would we doubt ourselves if it’s something we truly want? What is going on in our mind that makes us think, well, I’d really like to be this, or do this, or have this, but it’s okay if I don’t. It’s all right because it just is Why would that be? If it is something that you want to be, why is there self-doubt with it?
Most likely if you’re thinking of it, you deserve it. Most likely if you’re thinking of it, you want it. Most likely if you’re thinking of it, it’s already yours in the ethers. It’s already you. And you know this. So don’t doubt yourself. When you want something.

When you want to be something. When you want to do something. Lose the most likely I just spoke of and just know it’s yours or it’s you.That little word, that little thought in your mind that planted that there tells you that you are worthy, or that you are it. You just need to accept it and allow it into your life. And of course, the way to do this is to look at how you think of yourself. What you speak of yourself. What you believe in yourself, and the emotions that you put around all of these thoughts, words, ideas about yourself. Are the emotions happy, joy-filled, ready? Are the emotions sad? Or are the emotions neutral, where there’s really nothing to it? This is where you can say, I could take it or leave it. This is the point where you must decide, do you or don’t you want whatever this is? Do you or don’t you feel worthy of this? And go from there.
Your worthiness is going to bring it to you. And you are always, always ,worthy of what you are desiring, or what you want to be. You just need to bring your mind into focus of being worthy. Of losing that self-doubt. Of losing any doubt in who you are, in what you are, and why you are here. As you grow your worthiness. As you lose self-doubt, your soul grows more and more. Your soul is here to grow love. Your soul is here to grow happiness. Your soul is here to grow joy. And when you have self-doubt. When you do not feel worthy.None of these pieces can fit into your life, on the subject that you are wanting. None of them. For you must feel worthy. And you are worthy.
So once again, take that time in the morning, and take that time in the evening. Anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, and meditate on what you are wanting. Or meditate on your worthiness. Or just lay back and feel your worthiness. Breathe in the pure white air of the love that has made you. And breathe out that self-doubt that fills you. Go for what you are going for. Go for what you are wanting. Know you are worthy of it, and feel peace about it. If someone gets into your world that brings any self-doubt, any question of your worth, you must throw that out the door. You must be stronger.
Your mind. Your thoughts. Your emotions. The words must continue to be about your worthiness. To be about your deserving, what you would like. Or if it is something you know deep within you, you already are. It is your worthiness that will bring this out. It will be your loss of that doubt. The questioning of how could this be true, or is this really true? All of that must go and you must know who you are. You are a soul in a body. You are created by a Life Source that loves you unconditionally. You are created by a Life Source that does not judge you, but gives gives you all you ask for. Through your thoughts. Through your words. Through your beliefs. Through your emotions. For this is how you create everything in your life.
So as your day goes on. As you look at things you are wanting. Pay attention to your words. If you are offered something, do you accept it and then reject it, saying, yes, I would love that, but, and whatever your but may be, is your rejection of it. Yes, I really, really want that, but I don’t need it. I don’t have to have it. Anything like that will refuse it into your life. When you say, I would love that and leave that statement alone, or I am that and leave that statement alone, you are releasing the self-doubt within you.
You are bringing on your worthiness, one word, one thought, one phrase, one day at a time. And worthiness is an interesting thing, for it takes a bit to get to where you want to be. We have been so ingrained with lack of worthiness ,through things that we don’t even think about. Things that are so minute, that there is no thought going into it much. It’s just such an old belief in you, or such a strong belief in you that you don’t even notice it. So as your day goes through, as you are living life, pay attention to those words. Those thoughts. Those beliefs. Those emotions. When someone is offering you something, when they offer you something and it is good. Accept it with gratitude.
Accept it. Accept it. Accept it. For as you learn to accept things, more things will come to you. You’re telling the universe, I would like more, or I don’t need it. So choose the I would like more, and watch as more comes your way. Words, thoughts, emotions, beliefs. We will talk more about these as the days go by, but this is the key to happiness. This is the key to worthiness. And this is the key to changing your life.