Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Embracing Kindness: The Path to Peace & Joy
Today we speak of kindness, love, and understanding. When you are following the footsteps of kindness, love, and understanding, you are on the path to peace. You are on the path to health. You are on the path of joy. When you are following things that are not of this nature, you can feel it in your body, and you can see it in your world. You can feel the unrest all around you. And you can think that things are just not good and never will be good. You are just on the wrong path of thinking.
To have the peace you want in your life. The joy. The love. It is important to realize what you are believing.What you are thinking. And what you are doing. What you are acting out in your day-to-day life comes through your beliefs. And your beliefs come through your words. Your thoughts. And you build this with emotion.

So ask yourself, am I following the path of love, kindness, joy, ease? Or am I on a path of dislike? Am I on a path that is not allowing true love to come through? Am I on a path that looks and feels like it is right, but yet deep within, you know and understand this is not the way. This is not the way your loving Father cares for all. This is not the way of peace. But yet, if you are really adamant in your beliefs, you will look past things. And you will make excuses for things. And you will point the finger in other directions. And you will continue on this path. And this path without love, without kindness, without joy, without ease, will have none of this in it for you.
As time goes by, you will discover this, and you will wonder why your world is so full of unrest. And yet if you take a moment and look within, you can see your creation. You can see how it is coming about. It is important when you are falling into beliefs to be sure that the beliefs are beliefs that will benefit you. And they benefit you most, if they bring love, ease of mind, joy in your life. They benefit you most if you are feeling kind and offering kindness. Because you see, you will bring back to you more of what you are giving. Like that ripple in the ocean. When you are giving out kindness the ocean slowly calm down and you find more and more kindness. And your vibrations that you are offering, they do calm that water. But if you are not offering kindness and love, even if you think you are.
But if you think you are offering kindness and love and the waves are crashing around you. Your world is filled with anger. Your world is filled with judgment. This is the easy way to know you are not on the journey of love, kindness, joy, ease. Ease is so important. The love, the kindness, the joy gives you ease. And when you have this ease, it fills your body as it fills your mind. And it keeps you healthy and happy, and it brings more good things to you. Look around and find things that make you happy.
Get your mind away from the things that are bringing you unrest and focus on joy. When you can focus on joy, you can bring that love and kindness into your mind, and you can bring that ease into your body. You may not see the connection, but you will notice it over time. If you are not filled with ease, you will start to create dis-ease in your body. Many don’t know where this dis-ease comes from, and yet an outsider could look and tell them. But there is no need for that because you need to discover this on your own. You will not believe the other. You will be too strong in what you have in your mind to accept the help of another. Unless you are looking for love, kindness, joy, and looking to feel the ease that your body craves, lives on, and stays healthy with.
Our suggestion would be to meditate. Meditate every day. Take 15 minutes. Calm your mind and just breathe. Breathe out the frustration you feel and breathe in ease. There’s a saying, as you meditate, follow your breath, and it will lead you to places of calmness. Places of ease. When you rest your mind. As your day goes, if you are feeling unrest, breathe again, relax. It is okay to have opinions. And it is okay to have your own thought process on what is right or wrong. But it is even better to understand that the thoughts are creating, beliefs, and these beliefs are creating you, your life, your body. It is always best to lean towards love, because this is your natural state of being. And when you lean towards love, you will find kindness.
You will find joy and ease. It is important, especially now, to become these things, because this is how you bring peace into your life ,and then into the world that surrounds you. And as this happens, the world that surrounds you grows. And you bring more and more peace to all. And isn’t this the goal? Isn’t this what we want? We want to have peace. We want to have love. We want to have kindness and a world filled with joy. Walk through your day. Set your intent at the beginning of the day to do just this. To follow your heart, to love, kindness, joy, and peace.