Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
Finding Peace With Self Love
We are getting into the holiday time of the year. Although this recording is good for any time of the year. But especially at the holiday time, Families gather and people are more focused, for a short time at least, on peace on earth. And they are focused on love a little more, than they are at times. They maybe are focused on their faith and what they think will happen to them when they leave this world and transition to the next. They are looking for things. They’re looking for a path, a light. They’re looking for hope. They’re looking for many things. They are looking for these things throughout the world. Looking for it in others. Looking for it in their places of worship. Looking for it and looking for it.

And the thing with looking for it is, until you look within, you may not find it. The love that you look for. The salvation that you look for, lives in you. There is no need to look to the sky. There is no need to look out, except to appreciate the beauty of this planet, the beauty of Earth, the beauty of the sky, and understand that all of this with you, everything is connected. Nothing is separate. So if nothing is separate, you are not separated from your Creator. And when you can understand that you are not separated from your Creator, things become a little easier for you to think of and understand and relax into.
You have nothing great to prove. You are just here to learn and understand the love living in you. You are here to learn and then to understand, how to grow this love. And how to offer it to your neighbors, to your friends. How to offer it to, shall we call them, your enemies. Enemies is a tough word. We would probably prefer, instead of enemies, let’s just look at it as people who differ in their opinion. There is much unrest. And there are many things happening. People doing things to other people that are not of love and are not kind.
And the thing with this, is that many times these people also did not feel the love and the kindness. Could not see it, could not find it, reaching for it everywhere, not realizing that it lives in them. And to start to offer self-love, is a way to open up to this love. You see, when you love yourself, the judgment of another doesn’t matter. It will not make a difference to you. You’re satisfied with who you are. You are happy with who you are. All you can do is offer love. Love to yourself. And it is so much easier to give this love to another. Because you have the patience and the understanding to realize that their journey may be different and possibly more difficult in their eyes, than yours is.
There is no need to look anywhere but within, and then shine this light out for all to see. We have been talking about peace on earth in our last few episodes. And we are back to that. For this is the time of year when many sing about peace on earth. You must know that it starts with you. You are not waiting for the grand entrance of something, of someone greater than you, to bring this peace to you. They have given you the task of understanding and then offering this peace to others. We are all the messengers of God. We are all creations of God. We are all sons and daughters of God. We are all connected.
And you can see this connectedness in the world if you pay attention. Peace on earth starts with you. Peace on earth starts with me. Peace on earth starts with all of us. We are the messengers of peace. So you must look in the mirror and first start with yourself. Be at peace with who you are. Be content with who you are, knowing when you find this peace and this contentment, you will be happier. And when you are happier, good things appear for you more easily. And when you are happier with yourself, you can offer help to another without judgment.Because you want them to feel the happiness, the self-love that you have.
And this spreads, and it grows. And this is how you get peace on earth. Start within. Love yourself, love your neighbor, no matter who they are, no matter what their religion, no matter what their preference of love. Remember that God is not only living in you he’s living in them as well. And when you look into their eyes, you are looking into the eyes of your creator. And when they look in your eyes, they are looking in the eyes of their creator.
We are here to spread love and peace. Begin with yourself. Love yourself. And offer this love to all. Offer compassion and kindness to all. And watch as this vibration begins to take over, first your home. Then your neighborhood. Then your city. Then your state, and the next and the next. And this will slowly grow, into the peace on earth you are wanting. Peace on earth is the responsibility of all. Let it begin with you.