Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
How to Change Your Life: Faith & Joy
Today we speak of changes you may want to make in your life. If you are feeling restless, feeling as though there’s something more out there, there are ways to know if you are ready for the change. Faith, of course, comes into play in a huge way. The confidence within, that what you’re doing will be the right step for you. It may not be perfect at first, for you’ll be learning things. But it is the right step. You can feel it. And when you feel it, if you feel fear within this, then take a moment and pause. For anything done out of fear generally will not work.
This does not mean that your idea will not work. It just means that your mind is in the wrong place for it to work. For remember, you create with the words, the thoughts, the beliefs, and the emotions given to all of this. So if the emotion is fear-based, it will not work. You must bring your mind to a place of faith. A place of knowing, A place where you feel easy, where you feel excited.

You may feel a bit of anticipation, a little nervousness, for that’s not unusual. But if you feel fear, then the recommendation would be to hold back and work on your thoughts. Work on your faith. Work on your belief. And possibly what you are thinking of doing, changing to. Possibly, that’s not the direction that you should be going in for your life purpose here. Sometimes you’re held in a spot for a little while. And you’re held in this spot so that you can focus, that you can learn a little more. So when you make that big change, if you would like to call it big, in your life, that you are ready. Your angels, your guides can see what will be.
And they guide you to the best possible solutions when you ask. So take the time to calm your mind. Take the time to meditate. Take those slow, deep breaths in and fill your mind with the white, pure love of your Creator. And blow out, breathe out that gray matter that causes fear, that causes doubt. For anything is within your grasp when you believe it. And you will know you truly believe it when there is no fear in your mind. There is just focus. There is just a drive in you knowing that it will work. And you never know once you get going, where this will lead you. You could be led into a path that is so far different and better that it will make you smile, in knowing that the help that is all around you, guided you within your mind. For in the end, you are still making all of the decisions.
So when we say that another path that you never thought of may appear, you still have choice. For this path appears through your thoughts. Through your emotions, Through how you feel. And through inspiration. So you may feel inspired to do something different than you originally had thought. Because you left the fear out of it. Because you put faith into it. Because you sat back and opened your mind, another way, a better way, possibly opens to you.
It is always your choice. You always create. So when you are looking to change something, and you quiet your mind, and you allow the help to come through. This is when inspirational ideas show up. And suddenly you are on a road you never thought you would be on. But this road is filled with joy and you’ve made every decision along this path. You are guided, but you always make the decision. You always, always are the creator. You just happen to be blessed with amazing beings that help you to see beyond what you can see. Help you to guide yourself. To think for yourself. And to move into a path of pure joy and love.
So when you are thinking of changing your life, always be sure that your mind is in a place of joy, anticipation. And leave the fear out of it. You must work past the fear before you move on. For, as we have said, anything based out of fear does not work. There’s a difference between fear and excited anticipation. Where with fear, you have your doubts about if it will work. But when you’re excited, you may be still a bit nervous about what’s going to happen. But you’re still excited, and you just know in your mind, “this is going to work out for me beautifully”.
Keep your mind open. Keep your mind at peace. And allow the help that lovingly waits
to guide you to what you wanted. To accomplish in this lifetime, whatever that may be.