Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
How to Open to Your Soul's Journey
Welcome to understanding the power within simply, easily. A soul doesn’t need to be saved. It just needs to be discovered. What do we mean, when we say this? If a soul needed to be saved, it would mean that it was separated from God. And there is no separation, because God lives in you at all times.
So what we mean when we say, that a soul does not have to be saved, just discovered. All you need to do is realize what lives within you. Waiting to grow. And what lives in you and waits to grow, is your connection to God. Is your eternal connection to God, the Creator of all. And you do this as you realize there is no separation.

You see, when you understand that there is no separation, you understand that you are loved. And when you begin to understand this love, you begin to understand that there are no conditions on it. God does not say, I will love you, but. I will love you if. Or I will love you when you do whatever it is, that you think you must do. God says, I love you. Always. Unconditionally. Eternally. So it is quite simple, if you understand this, to start to feel this love. And you begin with yourself. You see, if this love is living in you. If this soul, this God, lives in you.
The way you discover it is by discovering you. You discover that you are here on a journey of learning. You discover that no one is perfect. And you love yourself for every perfection and imperfection, as you see them. You see, God only sees your perfection. And that does not mean he picks and chooses what he sees. It means that he sees all of you. The encompassing all you. The eternal you. And because he sees the eternal you, he sees what you are as an end result of this soul you are growing. He sees you as perfect. And he can see you in no other light because he lives in you and he is perfect.
Perfect does not mean that you do nothing wrong, that you have it all figured out. Perfect does not mean perfection, so much as perfect means loving. He sees the love living in you and knows this love is perfect. And because He knows this love is perfect, He knows that you will discover it, you will grow it, and you will become it. You are like a child learning these things. And you have a Father with the patience and love to give you as much time and room as you desire, to grow and to become.
So you see, there is no saving you. You don’t need to be saved. How could God need to save Himself? He’s already perfect, as are you. When you can look into the mirror, past the perceived imperfections, and see what you are. And begin to live with the knowing of what you are. Begin to live with the knowing of who you are. You begin to know why you are here. You are here to learn this love and to share it. You are here to learn this love and to grow it. And there are many ways of growing it.
Everyone has their own journey. So comparing your journey to another will never satisfy you. It could not. Their journey is different. Your journey is different. You have different goals of what you are learning in this lifetime. But the end result is to realize, accept, and show what lives in you, to those around you. And that is the perfect love of God. Now, perfection in the human form is not possible, so to speak. Because you will make some missteps, let’s just say, on the path, or so you think, as you look at yourself. And wonder why you did this thing or that. Those alleged missteps are the learning for you. So when you take this step, that you do not feel is in alignment with your Creator, with love, what do you do? Do you continue down that path? Or do you take a step back, look at the fork in the road, and choose a different path. And if that path is still not the path, do you take a step back or do you keep walking on it?
You see, the fork in the road has many prongs, and each prong is an adventure. Each prong is the journey. But you are at the end of the prongs. And you are actually walking toward the handle. And every prong on this fork leads to that handle. Leads to the Creator. Leads to love. It will serve you quite well if you release the idea of needing to be perfect, and embrace the idea of learning. When you are learning, you are open to ideas. When you are learning, you are speaking with others and learning from them. When you are learning, you are looking within and learning from within. And when you are learning, you are growing. Do not worry about eternity.
Do not worry about the alleged hellfire that may be there. We can tell you it is not. A loving God would not throw you nor Himself into a burning fire of eternity. This is impossible. You live in God. And your eternity will be the vast ocean of love, when you accept it, when you realize it. Because when you realize this, when you feel loved, you offer love. And this is a key to your soul. This is a key in discovery. Many times the way to get to this is to take quiet moments.
Some call it meditation. We will just call it quiet moments for right now. You just sit back and relax, and you choose to relive the moments of your day that were good. You choose to release what did not please you through the day. And you may say, I find nothing in this day that makes me happy. And if that is your thought, then we would ask you to close your eyes and focus within and feel the peace that lives in you.
This peace that waits patiently for you to discover it. The peace of your soul. The peace that can live in you and does live in you. The peace that you can awaken. When you awaken this peace, when you awaken this love, your days will get better all by themselves. Because you will be focused on this. And those things that irritate you and that you did not like slowly dissipate. And one day you will discover as you sit quietly and you contemplate. Or you even write and journal of your day and the things that you liked. The things that pleased you. You will see this list growing. And you will feel the love that you deserve at all moments. And you will be grateful for it.
This is when you will begin to show the love to others. Through offering love. Through offering peace. Through offering acceptance to those around you. Know, God loves you always, forever, eternally. Know, that you are not separated from this love. It lives in you and waits to be awakened. Know, that there is no saving so much as waking to this love living in you. And know, when you wake to this love living in you, you can offer it to those around you. And know, that this is when peace of mind begins to fill you. And this peace of mind will begin to fill those around you, as you accept them for who they are. As they are. And show them the love that lives within you. Acknowledging that this love, this God, this amazing creator of everyone and everything, lives in them as well.
If you say that you love God, then you must be loving your neighbor. And those who are different from you. And those who agree with you. Because they are the living God. You are the living God. We are all the living God, because the living God lives at the core of our being.