Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Joy & Self Worth:
The Foundation for a Happy Life
You have the power living within you to change your life, and you are the only one who can activate this power within. You are the only one who can truly change your life. You can allow help from others, and you can allow help from your spirit family. But in the end, it is you. You change your life. Every time you change a word, you change a thought, you change a belief. Anytime you put emotion into these things. And you change your life in either direction. Depending on where you’re going with your thoughts, and what you’re doing with your thoughts. You change your life in either direction by choosing the positive or choosing the opposite. You change your life. You are responsible for you. And we are here to help you to understand this responsibility.

To understand this great honor, this great gift you have been given. The gift of creation. The gift of unconditional love. Many will find as time goes by that it is easier to change your life in a positive way, if you think you are worth the positive results. If you think that you are worthy of love. If you think that you are worthy of abundance. If you think you are worthy of peace of mind. Joy. Forgiveness. Forgiveness is an interesting word, for many think of it as a word where they are asking forgiveness from their Creator. From God. Or they are asking forgiveness from someone they have wronged. Let us help you with this in figuring out. First and foremost, if you are to be, as you would call it, forgiven, you must start with yourself.
For you will never think of yourself as worthy of the forgiveness of another, if you don’t think you’re worthy of forgiveness. You will always be hoping that God forgives you, if you are not thinking you are worthy of forgiveness. We always try to put our best foot forward and act out of love and kindness. That is the way it should be because that is who we are at the core of our being. But sometimes life can get complicated for some, and they do not act from kindness or love. And then, when they ask forgiveness, if they are still in the place of not being kind, not feeling loved, the forgiveness, (in their heart) they will feel has not arrived. And they will berate themselves in their minds, for what they have done. But continue on in that same manner. Because what’s the point anyway? “If I’m not forgiven, it makes me angry,” is the thought process. It makes me feel unloved. It makes me feel unworthy.
When you can look in the mirror, and realize that you are loved unconditionally, no matter what your actions. When you can begin to feel a little easier with who you are. You can begin to release the anger. The self-doubt. The thoughts of not being loved. You can begin to release these things. When you can look in the mirror and begin to like who you are, and understand that deep within everyone, there is the living God. There is the light waiting to shine through you.
So you are the one who must make the change in your thoughts and in your words, in your actions. This is how you become more and this is how you offer more love, kindness and abundances of joy and peace. When you feel valued, when you feel worthy, it is so much easier to offer these feelings to another. But it starts with you, always starts with you. It starts within. It starts with looking at yourself and deciding that you like who you are. Deciding that you are a good person. Deciding that you can offer love to another. You can let go of the things that bother you. For they are in the past anyway. Unless you keep them alive in your mind. And when you keep them alive in your mind, and they live on and on, you grow them.
So why not begin to grow self-love instead? Why not release those things that you do not like, or that you do not like yourself for having done? Why don’t you release those things, and begin to offer kindness, first and foremost, to yourself? Because it is so much easier to offer kindness to another when you are kind to you. You stop seeing other people’s alleged faults. And you stop picking at what you think is wrong with them, or wrong with whatever is around you. You are happy with yourself. And when you’re happy with yourself, you become happy with your life. With where you are at. And then, this is when you begin to turn things into that positive manner that you are wanting.
This is when you can feel the joy, and feel the love within. And this is how you change your life. With one word. One thought. A better belief in yourself. And emotions of caring for yourself and loving yourself. Or if not loving quite at this point, liking yourself. And every day you will like yourself more and more. And you’ll be amazed at how people around you like you more and more. Those who are in harmony will help you to grow and flourish. And you will help them to grow and flourish. And those who are not in harmony will slowly step back. They may reappear at some point in your life, but that is not your concern. Your main job, if you would call it that, would be to discover yourself and to feel worthy within.
When you have self-worth, true self-worth, your life will become one of joy. One of love. One of peace. Peace in your mind is so important because when you have peace in your mind, your body is at ease. Your mind is at ease. You feel good. You feel much better when you have peace of mind. Peace of mind comes through self-worth. Through self-forgiveness. Peace of mind comes when you start focusing on joy. When you start to look for things that make you feel good, instead of things that do not. When you have joy, joy is the foundation of your life. Joy is such a simple word, but it is such a big key. It is the ground you walk on in your everyday mind. When you are walking on joy, when you are thinking in joy, things go so much better.
Try it. Try it for a day. Try to just focus on the things that please you. Try to focus on whatever makes you happy. And it’s the simple things. It does not have to be big. It’s your peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch if you love it. It’s the sun shining. It’s the rain coming down and soothing the earth. It’s that little smile that someone gave you, that you’ve today decided to notice. It is the little things that create joy in your life, the foundation of your life. It is like a million blades of grass on the ground that you stand on firmly, that you know will support you.
Joy is your foundation, and you become more firm in the standing on joy when you feel like you’re worth it. And you are. You’re always worth it.You are loved unconditionally by your Creator, by God, by whatever you would like to call the All That Is great Being. So today, take a walk, or listen to some music, or just close your eyes for a moment and breathe. And find your joy in the moment.