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You have the Power of change living in you.
Joy-The Path to Love & Peace
In the past few weeks, we’ve talked a lot about love. Peace. Unconditional love. Self-love. Self-worth. And many may wonder how you get to the point of accomplishing any of this. That is the subject for today. Finding joy. Having fun. Doing something that makes you feel really good, The simplest way to start on the journey of peace Is to wake up in the morning, and decide that you will have a good day.
Decide that you will look for the things in life that are pleasant. Make an intent of seeking the joy, having the fun that you deserve in this lifetime. When you start doing this, when you start looking at the beautiful flowers and appreciating them. When you start looking at maybe your cup of coffee in the morning and feeling really good about having a few quiet moments to enjoy it. Or maybe your house is a little loud and you don’t have those quiet moments to enjoy the coffee. But you can relish in the noise of others who are are living in your home and bringing this happy noise to your ears.

There is joy in everything when you look for it. When you look for the upside. When you are focused on the good. It is the same coin, the good and the bad. You just need to flip it to the good side. Because if you really look, you can find things that bother you throughout your day, and you can dwell on those. And you can relive them in your mind. But what good does that do? When you are on the path of joy. When you are on the path of love. When you are out to have some fun and really enjoy your life?
Looking for the good things, hearing the good words from others will start to take over your thought process.Will start to take over anything you are thinking of throughout the day. The more you focus on joy and the more you focus on enjoying your day, the more of these types of things will come to you. The joyful things. The happy things. And you may begin to wonder how you could have missed them in the first place. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that they are there now, and you are enjoying them now. Because that is the key to everything. Paying attention to NOW, will lead you to another good step, another best step in your life. Getting ahead in your mind of where you think you should be going, and what you should be doing, is tough if you are not enjoying the now.
People do pre-plan and they do set goals and this is fine. But to achieve those goals you must appreciate and pay attention to the now. Ask for the next best step and watch how your path magically unfolds for you. Until you have over time stepped into that plan that you had made. And you will wonder and be amazed at how easy it was to actually get there. When you started to pay attention to the now. When you start to pay attention to the joy. To the fun. And sometimes when you are paying attention to the joy and the fun, the goal that you set changes. Because you have now decided that something else will make you feel better. Feel more happy. And these do not have to be grand, great goals.
These can be simple. Just the simple goal of having a good day, and knowing when you go to bed you will be appreciative of the day, as you will lay and think about all of the joy-filled things that happened. That is a grand goal all by itself. The goal of lookingmfor and feeling the love from others throughout your day in the moment of the now. When you are speaking to someone that is a grand goal. When you are speaking and you can feel their care. Their love. Even in a general conversation. You will be on a path that will lead to this love. This peace that we are all wanting in our lives. In our world.
Start with joy. Start with having some fun. Start with being appreciative of the joy and the fun things that you are discovering. Share the joy with those around you. Share the fun. Share the smiles. Share the laughter. Share the love. And feel how nice that is. Feel how good it feels in your being. Feel the ease this brings to your body. Feel the ease this brings to your mind, and know this is the right path. This is the path to take. The path of free-flowing joy. The path of free-flowing love. The path of fun. Of high energy. The path that leads you to peace and to love in your life.
So simple, and yet many complicate it so much because they do not always think that they are worthy of this joy. Of this love. They feel as though they have done something they need to repair, before they can go to that point. And this is far from the truth. To go to the point of joy will be the repair you needed, in your thoughts and in your words. In what you think you have done, that you should not have. And what you think you have done that makes you unworthy of love. Of unconditional love, and of self-love. Know that you are always worthy of this. Throw away the doubt and look for the joy in your life. Those around you will notice the difference, and that will be enough. When you are speaking of joy, speaking of love, they will see the change that you so badly would like, but maybe don’t think you deserve.
Of course you deserve good. Of course you deserve love. Of course you deserve joy. You are a gift from God. You are a God-filled being. Joy, love, peace. This is your natural state. And when you fall into this natural state, you will begin to create the love, the peace, the joy that the world longs for. And this love, peace and joy will spread through your household. And spread through your friends. And spread through your family. And spread through your community. As time goes by, it will grow and it will spread. Focus on what you want to grow. Focus on what you want to spread in the world. Focus on the joy. Focus on fun. Focus on peace in your mind, in your body, and in your words. And focus on the love that you so much deserve. The self-love and the unconditional love from your creator. Have a joy-filled day, week, life.