Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
Kindness. Love. Peace.
Your Path to Health
Today we’re going to be talking about the anger that people hold within them. The resentment that is held within the body. And what this does to the body. Because there’s a lot of things happening in the world right now. And there is a lot of anger between many people. The thing with anger is that it builds in your body and it causes illness. And this anger seems to be and this resentment, and this the judgments out there, there’s many things happening, it seems to be something that grows.
So how do you work around this when you’re so staunch in your opinion, that you don’t want to hear another and you will argue the point and argue the point. And you will hold on to the thoughts of another, in a way that is not healthy for either one of you.
When you’re holding on to thoughts of judgment and of anger, it goes beyond what’s happening in the world. What’s happening in your town. What’s happening in your neighborhood. It becomes what’s happening to you. And this is important to know because you do not want to manifest illnesses in your body. And you will have a good chance of doing that, if you are hanging on to any type of negative emotions, for a long period of time.
So let us help you to figure this out. Because a lot of what’s happening right now, on either side of the table is fear-based. And when you are doing something. When you are paying attention to something and giving, power to something that is fear-based. The decisions the things that come from it generally do not work out. Because you are not thinking clearly. You’re not thinking from the place of your Creator. You’re not thinking from the place of love. You’re not thinking from the place of ease. You are thinking from a place of anger.
So we ask you to take several steps back and realize, first and foremost, that you are just fine. You will be just fine, no matter the outcome. You are okay. And the most important thing for you, you will find, is your daily life, your daily joy, and your health. Understanding that people all have their own opinion is important. Understanding that your way or the highway, is resistance to peace. Is resistance to love. We’ll help you to think it through a little bit and relax a little into what you are doing. Looking at and watching the news. Looking at and watching social media. Looking at and watching sites, that manipulate you, on either side of the table is not healthy for you. You must put your health, you must put your joy first. And when you do this, things will work out. The things that will bring you joy, and keep your body healthy, will continue to appear for you.
Do not allow another into your mind if you are allowing the fear of what they tell you to take over. And generally, when someone gets to the point of I’m right, and you’re wrong, there are some fear-based decisions within there. There are things you can do to ease the situation. And these things you can do are simple. Do not take the word of another. Figure it out and think, does this come from a place of love? Does this come from the soul of love? Does this make me feel ease? Or does this make me feel anger? Does this bring a positive emotion to my mind and my body? Or does this work me up in a way that is not healthy for me.
You will make your own decisions in life on what you would like and this is good, this is how it should be. But keep in mind as you are making decisions that if your thoughts, are mostly of anger, worry, fear. Even possibly dread for what will come. These are not good thoughts for you. And they will manifest in your body in a negative way.
When you seek joy in your life. When you seek peace in your mind. When you seek love that lives in your soul. The decisions become easier and you can live much easier, with what you are thinking. When you are not trying to push your opinion upon another, it will be much easier to relax and find the joy in the day. Health is so important. And many do not realize what they are doing to themselves, when they carry the negative emotions.
We are asking you to look, and feel, and know what you are doing to yourself. And then go from there. Are you loving your neighbor? Are you loving yourself? Are you offering kindness and joy? Are you guiding or are you forcing? These are questions to ask yourself. And only you can answer them. For you, our main offering to you, is offering the idea of how to keep your health. Anger, frustration, judgment, resentment. These will affect your health. Joy, love, happiness, harmony, kindness, these will also affect your health. And you can feel the difference, as we say these words, and what they will do to your body. So we ask you please to think through, and to be sure that you are offering love, kindness, acceptance. That you are offering the things that your Father your Loving Father would offer.