Lessons From My Near Death Experience
Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
Today I’m talking about what I learned, what I’ve come back with since my near-death experience. For I’ve run into a lot of opinions on things, spiritually, God-like, whatever you would like to say. And I would like to tell you my thought process on it. As many of you know, I died in 2016 and I was flatlined or legally dead for over 12 minutes. While I was gone, I spoke with my grandson and I could feel the peace of where I was. When I came back, the doctors expected me to be someone who would have to learn to walk, talk, do all of the basic things in life over again.

However, I woke up and didn’t know anything happened. I didn’t know why I was in the hospital and so on. But that’s another story. I just wanted to give you a little bit of detail on that.
But what I have learned, what I have come back with, the thing that keeps going over and over and coming out every time I write, every time I think about things is that everyone is loved unconditionally. There are no exceptions. And I know a lot of people out there would like to have exceptions because of some of the things that go on in this world.
God loves us all equally. We are his children, we are his Energy, and we are loved unconditionally. This is the main topic, if you look, of what I keep going back to. We had the Four Super Powers, we had, the You Experiment, and these things, these writings or whatever, they are about unconditional love. And the key to the unconditional love is loving yourself. Because God lives in you, and this love lives in you. The key to it is self-worth…
When you know you’re worthy, when you can feel your worth. The things in life that bother you don’t anymore. You can let “it” go easily, whatever “it” is, and you can let others be. You can let others make their choices in life knowing that you don’t know what it is like to be them. I’ll quote a Tom Petty song. I am a big Tom Petty fan. And he has a song and it goes, “you don’t know how it feels to be me”.
The idea behind understanding that you are loved unconditionally, the idea behind understanding your worth, it’s that you understand it so clearly that surely that you would like to help others to understand this as well, but not in a way that is force-filled.
I talk to you about things, but I’m not forcing my opinion upon you. I’m asking you to think about it. To pull out what works for you in this moment in your life and try to grow towards the self-worth that you have. Try to understand the unconditional love that there is for you, for everyone.
This is how we begin to live in harmony and in peace. We are not telling anybody else what they have to do, how they have to live, and what choices they should make. We are allowing them to figure this journey out in the best way they can, and we support them with unconditional love from ourselves.
We don’t support them if we are judging them, and we don’t support them if we are pushing them into our direction of belief. We are supporting them, we are helping them, we are loving them, and we are understanding them more by talking to them, by having compassion, and by allowing them to figure it out.
Unconditional love is a big thing because most cannot understand it. And I was where it was. I was in an ocean of energy. I was in a place where judgment didn’t exist. The only thing that existed was peace and love. And this is what I am hoping to share with all of you.
Peace must start somewhere, and peace cannot start if you are pushing another in the direction that they don’t want to go. All you will get from that is conflict. All you will get from that are arguments.
Unconditional love is just that. Many believe that their soul must be saved and that they must save others’ souls. You have unconditional love. You have self-worth. You are worth the unconditional love of God at all times. There are many religions. There are many beliefs. And to say any one of them is wrong, when they are focusing on love, when they are focusing on peace, when they are focusing on harmony, this is what we’re here for.
And there are so many different beliefs because there are so many different cultures and people, and we all need to learn in our own way, a way that we can understand. And not everyone can understand the way of one particular religion, one particular belief. That’s not how it works. We are here. We are here multiculturally. We are here with many different lands and many different people and many different beliefs.
We are here to learn compassion for each other.
We are here to praise and bless each other, and we are here to lift each other up.
Now you may take this for what it is worth, but I cannot think in another way. I was there. I was in the place of the unconditional love that is just flowing freely. And I came back knowing that this love lives in me. It lives in you. It lives in everyone.
People would like to let the light shine in on them. I say, let the light shine out from you. Because that’s where it lives. And when you let that light shine out, when you let the love shine out, when you are understanding, when you are allowing, when you are loving, you are letting that light out. And that is what we’re here for. And it is heartbreaking to see others feeling that they are not worth the love that is theirs at all times. Feeling like they are not worth the things they want in life, the love they want from another. Feeling that they are not worth whatever they are wanting, is heartbreaking because everyone is unconditionally loved. And everyone is worthy of their desires. When you feel this unconditional love, your desires grow from the peace, the love, the harmony that lives in you. That you allow others to see and feel
When you can understand that there is more than one way to be the right way, or if there is one way, it is unconditional love to be told about, talked about, spread. It means that you can breathe easier in knowing that if you make a mistake, it’s not that big of a deal. You are loved. And isn’t this life full of mistakes and things that we do? Isn’t this life? Isn’t that what happens to people? Isn’t that part of the learning process?
But what I ask in the end is that you focus on the unconditional love that lives within you and shine that light. Shine that light on anyone and everyone and understand that you don’t know it all. I don’t know it all. None of us know it all. We’re here to learn as a group.
We are here to allow the unconditional love living in us to shine forth. And we do this through allowing people to live, to guide them with love, but let them make their choices. Let them make their decisions in life. And the decisions they make are the decisions that they live with here and they grow with. And in the end, no matter what, your soul has grown. Your soul has learned many things.
And when you come back, if you come back for another life here and you take on a different perspective in that life, your soul will rejoice in what you have learned in all of your lives.