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Loving Thy Neighbor:
A Journey to Self-Love
This is Kathy Ann, dead girl talking, dead girl walking, however you want to word me. Things just cross my mind, things show up. And the thought is, that’s a great thing to talk about.
So today, what showed up in my mind was, love thy neighbor as thyself. And it’s interesting because most people look at it like you must love your neighbor and put them forward in your mind. And we would offer you the thought of loving yourself. You cannot love your neighbor, if you do not love yourself.
So there’s a good possibility that you already are loving your neighbor as yourself. Meaning, if you’re not happy, you’re not happy with your neighbor. If you are envious of what the neighbor has. You are feeling lack in your life for something you do not have.

When you think of loving your neighbor as yourself, are you coveting what they are, who they are, what they have? Are you appreciating who you are? Are you loving who you are? To love your neighbor as yourself means to love. And to love starts with self-love. It is something we speak of often. It is the majority of what we have to say. Many were taught to love another and put another first.And while this is true to an extent, it is difficult to love another and put them first, without having a bit of envy in your heart. Or without having something in you that isn’t 100% giving. You are helping, but you are walking away and still not satisfied with who you are.
When you love yourself unconditionally. When you can look in the mirror and decide you are enough as you are. Y ou will become more content. You will be pleased with where you are at. And now when you are helping a neighbor, you are doing it from a different vantage point. You are doing it from a point of, I am enough. I have enough. I am content in my life, and I want them to feel this contentment. To feel that they are enough. And that is loving thy neighbor as thyself. Taking your time to appreciate who you are, is an important thing to do.
Appreciating who you are, helps you to appreciate what you have. Appreciating what you have, helps you with this contentment we spoke of. And when you appreciate what you have and feel you have enough and feel you are content, you are more giving to another. You are more loving to another. You are then loving your neighbor as yourself. How do you get to the point, of being happy with you? It’s a one-thought, one-word process. Backed with feeling.
If you can understand that in the eyes of Your loving Creator, you have always been enough. If you can understand the love that lives in you, waiting to wake up. You will realize that you are enough. How do you find this love living within you, if you are not feeling it? Always, taking quiet moments and allowing your mind to relax. Allowing your mind to accept the moment, will help you to feel ease. And feeling ease can open the love within you. You will not have tension. You will not have doubt. You will have a peace that will slowly begin to flow through you. Through your mind. You will feel the ease in your body. And you will want to go back to these quiet moments often. Because they are moments of love.
Taking just a few minutes a day to do this, when you are feeling stressed. When you feel as though you are not enough. When you feel burdened. Taking steps back and quieting your mind, and allowing yourself to feel the ease and contentment in that moment, will help you. Will help you very much. Loving yourself starts with feeling the ease of who you are. It continues to grow as you look into your eyes and see what lives within you.
See the life that sparkles within the eyes. Feel the life that moves within your core. Be happy with where you are at, knowing that this will bring you to more places. To newer places and different choices in your life. For you have opened your mind to the choices. And now you can begin to step into things that please you more. And when you are stepping into things that please you more, over time you will naturally share these things. Because you have opened up to the love, that is giving to all. And you are growing it.
And now you are loving your neighbor as yourself. Because you are actually loving yourself. Quiet times of meditation. Quiet times of prayer. We would like to say that prayer is asking for, and meditation is allowing the ease of mind for the answer. Pray from the point of strength and power, in the knowledge of what is living in you. In the knowledge of the love that is yours unconditionally from your Creator. And quietly and calmly know the answer comes always, when you allow it. Walk through your day expecting the hints. Expecting the words from others. Expecting an idea that just pops into your mind. These are the ways your prayers are answered. Somebody that you hadn’t seen in a while shows up, and they offer you the solution to what you had wanted.
When you quiet your mind before you start your day, you bring peace to your mind. And as you walk through your day, your mind is at peace. And you are not busy thinking about the other things that block the answer. Love your neighbor as yourself. Very key to peace on earth. And it all starts with loving yourself.