Welcome, to Understanding the Power Within Simply-Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Mastering Emotions, Beliefs & Creating Reality
Today we’re talking about beliefs, for beliefs are so integral in how you’re creating your world, your life. As we have stated before, you create your world, you create your reality. One thought, one word, one belief filled with emotion. I’m speaking of this because I just spoke with someone who was worried about the future through a belief that she had heard. This belief made her leery, possibly maybe a little anxious thinking that something like this could happen to her. And my best response to her was, remember, you’re a soul in a body. This is important to remember as you’re creating, as you are wondering what’s happening in the world and wondering why it’s happening in the world.
When you look at things and don’t like them or think that someone can creep into your mind and control you, these are very interesting thoughts that you should not give power to. But many find the belief easy and the emotion goes behind it quite quickly.

So now we have someone who has a thought. She’s got the picture of it in her mind. She’s got the words flowing in her head and she’s giving it emotion. Now we have the benefit of time. We have the benefit of being able to change that before it affects us. So to change it, you just need to start to focus on something else. Give your thoughts, your words, your emotions, give your pictures, give your beliefs to something else and release what it is that makes you anxious. Release what it is that you do not want.
But fear is coming at you at lightning speed. Release it. And always remember, you are a soul in a body and your soul has power. Your soul is the microcosm of the macrocosm. Your soul is fueled by the Life Source that fuels everything you see, everything you are. Everything that lives. Breathes. Every thing the universe created. This is a powerful life source and it lives in you. And you are here to learn how to create in a way that will give you joy, happiness, love, peace of mind.
So if something doesn’t give you these things, if you are focusing on something that makes you anxious, do your best to take that thought and get it out as soon as possible by replacing it with something that makes you happy, joy-filled. Keep your mind on joy. Keep your mind on happiness. Keep your mind on love. And focus away from this thing that makes you anxious. You can always do affirmations if it helps, such as, “today I will find joy in everything I do”. Or, “today, I will find love in the people I meet”. You can come up with any affirmation you would like. You can look online and find an affirmation if you prefer.
But when you are doing affirmations that come from your heart,come from your soul, and are filled with emotions, your affirmation is going to be so powerful, because it belongs to you. Many need help to start this when they want to do affirmations, and that’s all right. but be sure as you go down the road to change the words when you know that you should. Don’t think that you need to just keep repeating somebody else’s affirmation. Make your own up, when the timing feels right, and the joy will fill you.
I will take affirmations and write them on the mirror that I look in every morning. I write them with an erasable marker marker, and I wash them off when I’m done with one affirmation, and want to start another. And it’s really good to look in the mirror and see that and know that all is good. So beliefs are something that have started, we’ve had them since we were born. We’ve had them since before we were born. Maybe we even brought beliefs from another life with us because they served us well. Good beliefs protect you. Good beliefs bring you joy. Good beliefs will bring you abundances in many different ways. Abundance is not only money and things. Abundance is the beautiful love that can fill your world. An abundance of love is better than anything you will have. When you have an abundance of love, you will feel the abundance in joy as well. And you will share all of this. And when you do, your life just becomes filled with happiness.
So when you are watching the television. When you are talking to someone. When you are visiting with someone you consider possibly smarter than you, more knowledgeable about things of the soul, make sure you take a check with your own gut, to see what you really think and what you really want. For they have their beliefs as you have yours and you can accept their belief or you can toss it out the door. If you want to toss it out the door, you’re best to change the subject when you’re with them. If they are a dear friend or someone you like to see often, do not let the subject, you do not like come up. Or ask them to change it. If they are true friends, they will change it for you and avoid the conversation. You do not need anything that will build and grow a belief that makes you anxious. Anxiety is not a joy-filled feeling, so you really want to get rid of it as much as you can.
Meditate. Take 10, 15 minutes a day and just lay back or sit back. Breathe in that white, positive, beautiful air that your creator has given you and breathe out the words, breathe out the gray in your body, that are the words that make you anxious. That are the words that bring you possible fear. Breathe in all of the things that make you feel joy-filled. Focus your mind on something that makes you happy if you must, and then breathe out what does not serve you. Know that beliefs are what are bringing things to you, and try to change your belief when you can. If you cannot change that belief, for it’s too deep, then change the subject. Always change to something that fills your mind with joy, that fills your life with joy, and creates enough joy that you want to share it with those around you. Always remember, you are a soul in a body. You are here to learn. You are here to grow this soul. And growing the soul is a growing of love, peace, and joy. You will know you’re on the right track when you think of something and it brings you any of those things. Love in your life, peace in your mind, joy in your soul. This is when you are on the right track. The beliefs that are out there that do not serve you. You do not need those beliefs and you do not need to fall into those realms with others. They are on their own journey and maybe these beliefs that you do not like serve them for what they’re trying to learn. That’s fine.