Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
Peace is What We Were Sent Here to Create
Peace on Earth is Our Responsibility
What do you consider love to be? Do you consider love as all-giving? Do you consider love controlling? What do we mean by this? When you love someone, or when you are trying to offer love to the world, to the universe. When you are offering, you are in a giving state. You are in an allowing state. You are allowing another to be, and possibly guiding them gently to kinder words for themselves, or to kinder words for others.
You are offering a light guidance, as you let them be, to figure things out as they must. If you are trying to control them, if you think that you know what they must do, what they must be, who they must love. This vibration is off. This vibration is not love. This vibration is control. And control is a lower vibration. It causes conflict. It causes doubt by the other person. It causes situations to arise that are not kind.

When you are trying to push, or force what you think love is onto another. When you are trying to coerce them into what you think love is. This does not work. You see, everyone has their own perspective in life. Their own outlook on things. And love for one person is different than love for another. Kindness, love, compassion. These come when there is an allowing state of mind. And this allowing state of mind. This allowing of high vibrational thoughts to enter. This allowing of thoughts of kindness, thoughts of patience. This is where love will step in to the world.
Know that if you think your idea is the ONLY idea. Your way is the only way. This is confrontation. This is not love. Now, you may not agree with what the other is saying or doing. But you are not here to tell them what to say or do. You are here to offer guidance. You are here to demonstrate, acts of kindness and acts of love. Words of kindness, words of love. This is why you are here. So watch yourself. Guard your words. If you are wanting peace on this earth and it does start with you it starts with each individual person.
If you are wanting peace on earth you must have peace within yourself. And then this peace will move on to another, and another, and another. But there is no peace in you if you are controlling. If you are confrontational. If you are demanding of your way being the only way. There is no way that one person’s way is the only way. Because each person has their own perspective. Each person has their own words, their own thoughts, their own ideas. And this is the idea of it all. The original ideas coming from each individual person is what creates a beautiful world. Beautiful harmony, When it is allowed to happen. When it is allowed to come through the words of kindness and love.
Everyone is loved unconditionally, and everyone has God living in them. If you were looking at your Creator eye to eye, how would you act? How would you be? Would you be humble. Or would you tell your Creator what He should be? When you look into the eyes of another person, you are looking into the eyes of your Creator. God lives in all, at all times. The light within is the light of God. And the way to bring this light to life. To shine it on this world is through love.
If you are a being who wants peace and love and light to be in this world. And you are looking to the skies. You are looking anywhere but within you, You are looking in the wrong place. Peace starts with each person individually and spreads like wildfire, once you realize this. Peace on earth starts with each individual person. And peace on earth starts with looking in the mirror and speaking to yourself. And asking yourself if you are offering love or if you are offering judgment. When you can look in the mirror, and know that you are offering love and not control to another, you are on the path of starting to create this peace on earth that everyone is wanting. You were sent here, we were sent here to offer love and compassion and to bring peace to this earth.
God lives in us and he is waiting for us to take action. And the action we must take is action of love, compassion, kindness, and understanding. It is our responsibility to bring peace to this earth. It is the task we were given before we arrived. God is here already. God has answered the prayer of peace on earth. It lives in you. It lives in me. It lives in us. We just need to allow it to come to light and to come to life through us. Through the kindness, compassion, and love that genuinely is who we are. We are emanations of God. And we must show this to this planet. To the people in your home, in your neighborhood. To the people you run into at the store. To the people you see who are needing help with something. To the people who you do not approve of because you think their life is wrong. These are the challenges of love. To love as your father does. To love unconditionally, and to say, all I have is yours. Let me help you. As you help me.
Because you see, when you start to offer this unconditional love, you grow in the same direction as the other. And your light begins to shine. And this light will catch on to another and to another and to another.