Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
Peace on Earth, Starts With You
Peace. What does it mean to you? When you say the word or when you ask for peace? What are you looking for? Are you looking for peace of mind? Are you looking for peace in the atmosphere around you? Are you looking for peace in the words that you say? Are you looking for peace in the words that come back at you? Are you looking for peace in the words spoken to you?
Peace is a frame of mind. And this frame of mind affects the words you say. The thoughts you have. The feelings you have. And they come from the beliefs from within. Peace is always here. Peace is always surrounding you. Peace is always waiting for you to notice that it is here. Peace is here and peace is now. But you must be the one to notice it.

You must be the one to accept it into your mind. Into your soul. And then you must be the one to emulate it to those around you. Peace starts within and grows from there. And when your words offer peace to another. When your vibration offers peace to another. You are offering peace to the world. And when you can have the patience and the understanding, that some do not accept your peaceful words as quickly as others. But you continue on this path of peace. You continue with the words and the thoughts and the knowing, the feeling that peace is at hand. And peace will come.
Many give up. Many look at the world and think that it is too big for them to do alone. And while this may seem true. Understand that peace starts one person at a time. One thought at a time. One belief, one feeling, all mixed together. But peace must start one by one and grow. That is how it is done. God has sent you as a messenger of peace. God has sent you as a messenger of love. God made you physical, so that you may deliver for him the message of peace. And the message of love.
So you must look at yourself, and look at the words you offer. Are you offering peace? When you are judging someone you are not. When you are picking at someone you are not. When you are offering compassion. When you are offering kindness, to the person across from you, no matter who they are. No matter what you may have thought of them in the past. When you are offering this kindness and this compassion, you are offering peace to their mind. And it is up to them to accept this peace. You cannot force it on them.
However, if you continue in the way of kindness and compassion for others, the others will start to pick up on this. They will start to feel better about themselves, and pass this kindness and compassion to another. And over time, those who were not able to accept what you had to offer, will begin to see the difference in another. And want this more and more. And wonder how they got this peace within them. And then your words will begin to resonate. This is why it is important, when you are asking for peace to have the patience and the understanding, that others need to accept it on their own timing. But to keep going. To not give up. To continue offering the love. The peace. The vibration of energy, that brings calm into the day.
When you continue to offer this, over time it will take over. Because you see this compassion, this kindness, this easygoing vibration, is the God living in you. Coming to life. Coming to light. So when you are asking for peace. When you are asking for kindness and compassion. When you are waiting for peace to come to this earth. Please understand that it is here. This peace is here. It lives in you. It lives in all of us, and it is our responsibility. It is our mission. It is our journey to open to this peace and then to share it with another, and another, and another.
And as they start to pick up on this vibration, peace will come. Know this and feel this. Be patient with yourself as you learn to change the words, the thoughts, the actions, the emotions, the beliefs into that of peace. But take on this journey of peace. Take on this journey of love. Take on the natural being of who you are.
Allow the God in you to shine. To grow. To be, through you. Meditate. Pray. Be kind to yourself, and begin to offer love. Begin to offer peaceful thoughts, and peaceful words. And watch as your world changes. Then watch as the bigger world around you begins to change. And know that you are helping to offer the vibration of peace and love that you came here to offer.