![Understanding The Power Within Raising The Vibration Through Kindness](https://understandingthepowerwithin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Raising-The-Vibration-Through-Kindness-1-150x150.jpg)
Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Raising The Vibration Through Kindness
How do you offer love to someone you don’t care for? Someone you’re not really liking so much and would rather not be around? This is the question asked often and a lot of times discarded, because the thought is that it’s not possible. But it is. It’s definitely possible to offer someone love even though they kind of get under your skin. You see, everything is vibration. And the vibration you offer them is the vibration that comes back to you. Offering someone kindness and love, this is what you get in return. And this helps you to change your feelings.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you’ll be best of friends with someone if they are a far different thinker than you are, and you are not on the same vibration. However, by offering kindness in your thoughts, you are raising the vibration. By offering kind words when you see them, no matter the situation, you are raising the vibration.
![Raising The Vibration Through Kindness](https://understandingthepowerwithin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Raising-The-Vibration-Through-Kindness-1-1024x1024.jpg)
Love, or unconditional love, is accepting someone for who they are, and trying to not change them. Just offering kind vibrational thoughts, kind words, words of encouragement. Sometimes people can get your goat, and we understand this. But the best way to overcome this is through kind, softening thoughts. When you can start to make this the habit with everyone. When you think of someone, if you can change your thoughts, if they are coming out a bit harsh. And change your words if they are coming out a bit harsh. If you can change your thought on the person or people, you are raising your vibration. And your vibration ripples out like the ocean. And the further your ripple goes, the further the water ripples from the seashore, the further out the waves are, that would otherwise come to you and upset your day.
This is why offering kindness, kind words, and kind thoughts is important for you. Because you are giving the universe your vibration. And when you have someone in your world who bothers you, and you allow it to bother you, that is the vibration you are putting out there. And this is when the waves come crashing in on you. For you have allowed your mind to step into that world. You have allowed your mind to lower your vibration to a level you do not want to be at. Because now you are under the waves crashing in, and you can’t get out. And you feel as though you are drowning. When you raise your vibration. When you offer thoughts of kindness, thoughts of encouragement. When you offer kind words, you offer help. When you offer anything that is of a positive vibration, you are offering love.
Now, it may not seem that way to you because you are not saying to this person, I love you, I love you, I love you. But you are saying, I respect you and I honor our differences. You are saying, I understand that you are on your journey and I am on mine. And the best way for either of us to be on this journey, is if we understand that this is a journey of love and of joy. And when you can offer kind words, kind thoughts, and kind actions, you can feel the goodness of this in your soul. You can feel the goodness of this in your heart. You can feel the goodness of this in your entire being. And this is important because, as we have been saying, joy is the foundation of life.
When you have joy, you have a vibration of happiness, a vibration of love, a vibration of kindness. More importantly, when you have joy, you know that no one will get under your skin. In fact, when you have joy, you will know that you can be an uplifting person to them. to whomever. And when you are uplifting, when you are offering these words of kindness, of generosity. These actions of kindness, of generosity. You are offering love. And this is the unconditional love that lives in you. It becomes unconditional when you keep the conditions off of it. When you do not allow the personality of another to get into the way of the kindness you have to offer. When you do not allow the personality of another to get into the joy that you are living.
Unconditional love is a love of kindness, of generosity. You have living in you this unconditional love. And when you open up to it, when you offer it to others through the kind acts and the kind words and the kind thoughts, you are opening it to yourself as well. And the feeling you will get, the uplifting feeling you will get, as you practice this more, and more will make you want to do it more and more. And this is when the vibrations of joy and love begin to spread from you to others and ripple out like the sea. This is how peace is accomplished, one person at a time, one thought at a time. Love and kindness, joy. This is why we are here. We suggest you listen, if you would like, to the podcast about assessment over judgment. Because this will also help you to find the kind words, the kind actions, the kind thoughts that are needed to make a revolution of love. A revolution of joy.
And you can do it because you have living in you, the God power that is love. That is joy. You can do it because that is why you came here. You can do it because this is the goal of all. If they act like it or not, this is the goal of all. Love, joy, and peace.