![Understanding The Power Within Step 3 Beliefs The secrect ingredient to your life's creations](https://understandingthepowerwithin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Step3-Beliefs-150x150.jpg)
Step 3: Beliefs-The Secret Ingredient of Your Life's Creations
Welcome to Understanding the Power Within, Simply, Easily.
We are on the third ingredient in the creation of your life. Beliefs. We have said that thoughts and words are part of this recipe, for they are where things begin. And yet beliefs are where a lot of your thoughts begin. Because you were born into many beliefs, and then you grew beliefs of your own as you moved forward in your life. So while we say these three ingredients are in this order, it is not necessarily true, for sometimes your beliefs are what create the thoughts.
The thoughts create the words or the words create the beliefs and the thoughts back that up. It’s just a little muddle of everything that works together and creates your life.
So beliefs are a very important part of everything because in order for you to receive “it”, you must believe “it”. And you must believe it down in your soul.
![Step 3 Beliefs The secrect ingredient to your life's creations](https://understandingthepowerwithin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Step3-Beliefs-768x768.jpg)
You believe things, at times, so easily that sometimes you don’t even realize that the belief is lying there. And this is when things can appear in your life, and you’re wondering, how in the world did that happen? Well, you have a quiet little belief living within you somewhere, and this belief slowly manifested manifested through thoughts, through words, through things you say and do, that you maybe just do out of second nature.
Your beliefs start before you are born, for you bring some with you when you arrive. When you arrive, you also bring with you the goal of what you would like to attain in this life. And this is why there are so many different people with so many different beliefs, and so many different ways of living life. Everyone had their own goal in this life. Your belief in your goal was strong before you got here. So let us help you get back, if you do not feel like you are on track to the basics of why you are here, to the beliefs that you brought with you that you knew would come in handy for you as time went by.
Meditation is always a great way to calm the mind and to find the hidden thoughts, for they start to jump at you and appear to you when your mind is quiet. This is a good thing, for you need to know how to brush these thoughts away. And when you are meditating, you are just breathing in, you are breathing out. When you are breathing in, you’re breathing in a white light of love, pure love. And when you breathe out, if you focus on breathing out the words that appear that you do not like, you will slowly, over time, start to change your thought process, your belief process.
Now, some beliefs will be with you forever, for they are just part of this life, and they keep you safe from harm. They keep you within the realm of where you want to be. But some beliefs do not serve you. And somewhere along the line, they came into your mind and they stayed. The biggest belief that we seem to see is that man is weak, that the body is weak, that the mind is weak, and that you are at the mercy of an unseen God who judges and picks and chooses who has a good life and who must suffer. And we will tell you, this is not true. This is a belief that will not help you on this journey, for this is a belief that was man-made.
You are God-made. You have God-power in you. And if you would, step by step, thought by thought, start to believe in yourself. Believe in your wishes. Believe in your dreams. Leave the doubters. Leave the negative behind. You will see how your beliefs, as they change, change your life. They change your words. They change your thoughts. They change. So beliefs are a really big part of your creation process. And as time goes by and we record more and more, we will touch into beliefs more and more as well. But today, this is just an introduction to the power within you. So we will leave you with thoughts of well wishes. We wish for you love in your life, peace in your mind, joy in your soul.