Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
The Key to Making Your Desire a Reality
Today we are speaking of believability. What does this mean? Believability is the ability to believe in what you are wanting. It’s the ability to be able to see it before it arrives. It’s the ability to relax and to allow, to see what you are wanting, expecting, knowing in your heart, knowing in your soul, that you are worthy of it. And to know that with patience and time, you will have it. Ask and it is given is true, and we have spoken of this many times. Ask and it is given is learning faith. Learning faith in the unseen. Learning faith and not knowing how, just knowing it will. What are you wanting in life?
What are you longing for? Is it joy? Is it love? Is it material things? Is it peace of mind? Is it relationships? Is it just being able to take a breath and relax? These are all possible things for you, but they must become believable.

You must get your mind into the space of where you would like to be, every day, for at least a while, at least 15 minutes. Focus on it and meditate on it. Breathe in, breathe out, and remember, breathe in the belief that you are wanting. Breathe it deep into your body. Allow it to flow from your head to your toe. Allow it to fill you with faith, fill you with the belief, and when you exhale remember to visualize and blow out that dark gray matter that we call doubt. The dark gray matter that is your thoughts of not being worth what you are wanting. The dark gray matter of wondering, how in the world you will get what you are wanting.
When it looks impossible to have. Meditate. Do this every day. And when you meditate with the intention of recalling what you are wanting through moments of your day. And when you recall it through the moments of your day, if a doubt pulls into your mind, release it. Just blow it out. Just see it leave and know that your prayers are always answered It’s just a matter of your believing it. Of your accepting it. Of your allowing it, and then of your expecting it. Slowly, over time your mind will begin to fill with the proper words the proper thoughts, and the beliefs will begin to take over. And you will feel the emotion of joy through all of this. No one can do this for you, and the best time to start is now. If you have doubters in your life, keep what you are wanting to yourself until your faith, your belief in it is so strong that not a word from another can shake it.
If you feel that they can shake your belief, that they can shake your faith, keep it to yourself.
You must be strong in your mind. You must be strong in your thoughts and in your words. You must back what you are wanting with the thoughts, the words the beliefs, the emotions of what it takes to draw to you. Because your body, your mind, your cells, the energy around you hear the truth in you. They hear your belief. Your belief vibrates. And it is easy to change this vibration by one thought, one word at a time. Pay attention to your emotions. Throw away the doubt that will fill you at times. Fill your mind with joy, with belief, and don’t worry about if or when this thing you are wanting will come, because you know it will in your mind and in your heart. You know it will, and it does not matter how long it will take. You know this, for the stronger your belief, the more your mind is filled with the emotions of happiness, the quicker it will come.
And when you wonder where it is or how it will get there, wondering about it is doubt. Wondering about it, is a little bit of a lack in the faith of it. And it is easy, I know, for us to say this to you and for you to think, how in the world will I do that? And we will go back to, you will do that one word, one thought, one belief with the emotions to back what you are wanting at a time. Take it a moment by a moment. Take it a day by day. Take it as it comes. Just turn your thoughts always towards what you are wanting. When you see things in your life that you are not wanting, work through them and turn away from them. In your mind, play.
Enjoy this thing that you are wanting, in your mind. Feel it and believe it. Believability is one of the keys in attaining what you are desiring in your life. If you believe you’re self-worthy, you have made it come that much quicker. If you believe that it will come in its own way and its own time, you will get it that much quicker and you will be amazed. We have seen athletes, we have seen people of much success talk about how through their life they saw what they wanted, they knew what they wanted, and they dreamt about it, played about it in their mind. They just knew it would be theirs and they have it. Overnight successes are not always overnight successes. There is a path to be walked. There are beliefs to be changed. There are thoughts and words and emotions to overcome. This is part of the journey. This is part of living life. This is part of growing your soul. But know when you truly believe, when it is in your heart and in your soul, and nothing can deter your mind from what you are wanting, you will see the success of the belief that you have. You will grow what you are wanting, or you will grow something even better, even more magnificent. Something that you could not have seen. But Spirit knows what lives in your heart and grows it to magnificent proportions.