Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
The Key to Manifesting Your Desires
Today we are talking about something so simple, for some it feels impossible to do. What we’re talking about is letting things be. When you are manifesting, when you are trying to manifest something, you do the work of bringing in the idea to life in your mind. You do the work of filling your mind, your thoughts with joy. You do the work when you believe yourself worthy of it and feel good about it. And you do the work when you believe that it is yours.
You believe it in different ways. You believe it in your worthiness. You believe it in your faith. You believe it in the words you speak, the actions you take. You believe it within you. And now you have done all of this. You have taken this thought and made it become alive within you.

Your next step is to let it be. This can be very difficult for some, for they’re used to doing things. You have to do this, you have to do that. You can’t sit still and let something be. But this is how creation works. When you let it be, when you relax into it with joy, with faith, with the love of self in knowing your worthiness.
When you do all of this, you relax your mind. You have peace in your mind. And suddenly things start to appear. Little things at first. For things come to you in believable manner. And generally speaking, most people cannot take that giant leap. So when you are letting it be, you are just relaxing your mind into the state of allowing and accepting the hints, the suggestions, the ideas along the way. And when these ideas show up, they’re ideas that are filled with joy. You will know that it is correct because it won’t feel so much like work as much as it will feel like something you want to do, for you know the end result is going to be joyful.
So learning to let things be is something that we all need to know and to understand. Taking that 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night and just calming your mind, seeing a positive outcome, and then breathing in the white love of your creator. Breathing in the white, pure happiness of peace, and breathing out the gray matter that does not bring you joy. This is how you will create. This is how you will manifest the things in your life that will fill you with joy and fill your life with abundance.
So let it be. Relax. Allow your mind to be open and you will see the ideas. And you may be surprised, for sometimes your idea is a great one, but the universe has something even better lined up for you. Your maker, your inner being also, they can see what you really want. All They need is for you to give them the space to allow and accept, the thoughts, the ideas that they will seed into your mind. And these seeds that they plant are good seeds. They are seeds of love, growth, abundance, joy.
They just need you to allow the time it takes for the seed of your idea to come to fruition. Relax, breathe, allow, allow, and enjoy. So let’s start at the beginning one more time. There is something you want. You have the idea. You start doing some investigating. You dig around. You look online. You look in books. You do whatever it may be, and you find something, and you’re like, this really is what I would like, or something very similar to it. You think about it. You can see it in your mind, and you know that you are worthy of the thing that you want. All your job is now is to relax. Allow, let it be, and put your mind in a place of peace. Where you can feel, see, accept the ideas planted. The seeds planted in your mind.
And then as you take the steps planted through the seeds of thought, you will manifest the good, the abundance, the love you want in your life. Be sure that you have your worthiness in mind, and be sure you believe in it. For you are worthy of any thought, any beautiful loving thought that comes to you.