Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
The Love Within You:
Where Miracles Come From
As you know, I sit quietly and words begin to flow in my mind. And as they flow, I get out my recorder and I start talking. Today, it’s about love. Today, it’s about what lives in you.You see, there is a love inside of you, a light inside of you. Waiting for you to realize that it is there. Waiting for you to notice and activate it. To activate this love. To activate this light in your world.
When you do this, miracles begin to happen. Miracles are just the creation of what you would like, that you never thought possible. No one miracle is bigger than another. No one object is bigger than another. For they are all created from what lives within you. What lives in you and comes out of you into this world. If you seem to be stuck in a world, where there is not much light. And you are not feeling the love. You can turn on this light and you can turn on this love yourself.

The responsibility is yours. You are the one in control of your life. You might not think this true, but it is. You control your thoughts. You control your words. You control how you feel about all of this. And you control what you believe. And you can control this by paying attention to what you are focusing on. And when you pay attention to what you’re focusing on, how does that make you feel? Does it fill you with happiness, which would be considered light. Or does it fill you with dread, which many consider to be dark.
Now, either way is right, believe it or not. Because either way helps you to learn how you are creating, what you are creating in this life. It’s just a matter of changing your focus. When you change your focus, you definitely change your life. Some may say, well, I did change my focus yesterday for a while, and I didn’t see any difference. Things take a while to create, for the most part. And things take a while to be replaced, once you have created them. The reason for this is that you have many times many little beliefs surrounding that one big belief. That one main belief, that has created the spot you are in. And the reason you need to focus and take your mind off of the thing you do not want and place it on what you do want. And then keep that focus there and start noticing the things around it, is because those little beliefs that were hanging there must go away with the big belief. So focusing on that will help you, focusing on what you are wanting and keeping the faith that this focus will, over time, at you are wanting, or something similar to it.
And the love we speak of that lives within can cement this into place for you in your mind, when you realize that the love inside of you gives you what you focus on. Gives you what you believe in. Gives you what you feel, if the feeling makes you feel good, or if the feeling is not so good for you. It just follows your direction on your focus and on your feelings. We have said many times, feeling is the fuel on the fire of your creation. First, you begin to think about it. And when you start to think about it and focus on it, you start to talk about it. When you start to talk about it, you start to change the words in your mind and put your beliefs around this new thing. And when you put your beliefs around this new thing with your words and your thoughts, your mind does not have the space for your old belief anymore.
The more you have taken the time to get it out of your mind and replace it with the good you are wanting. Now, sometimes what you are wanting may look a little different when you get it, than what you were focusing on intensely. But if you pay attention. If you notice. It generally is something that is a step towards what you are wanting. And the reason for this is you are replacing beliefs. Things come to you in a believable fashion. So if the first thing you receive is kind of, sort of, but not quite yet, what you were focusing on. Good for you. You have taken the first step in changing a belief. Good for you. You have changed your thoughts and your words, and something different came to you. Something that moves you in the direction of what you are wanting. And sometimes what you are wanting takes a little time, because things must be put into place for you, in a believable fashion.
You see, if it’s not believable, you will look at it, at whatever it may be, and you will discard it in your mind. Knowingly or unknowingly, you will have thought somewhere within that is not possible, and you will throw it away. However, when things come to you in those believable steps, you don’t think about if it’s possible or not because it’s believable. You have a light living in you. And you have a love living in you. And this light and this love is Power. It is the Power of God. The power of your creator.
When you focus on this, the love that comes through becomes stronger and stronger. And when you are filling your world with love, the light shows. And when you are filling your world with love and light, things become better for you in your mind, thus in your world. Take the time to quiet your mind and feel this love from within. Take the time to vision your body, to vision yourself, becoming the light that lives within. You see, you already are the light. You just need to flip the switch. You just need to turn it on. And you turn it on by offering love to yourself, in knowing that you are worth whatever it is you are wanting. And when you love yourself and you know you are worth what you are wanting, now you can love your neighbor better. Because you are not wanting what they have. You realize that what you want, comes to you in your own way.
And who knows, maybe it’s identical to what your neighbor has. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that they have theirs and you now have yours. Meditate. Focus. Believe in yourself. Believe in the Love that lives within you. Start with a word or a phrase that helps you, to believe in you. We have used I am who I am many times, so let us use it this way today. I am who I am, and I believe in myself. I am who I am, and I am loved. I am who I am, and I am worth love. I am who I am, as I move through this life, and I become more of who I am in different ways, when I accept the love and the light that is waiting patiently for me to allow it to awaken.