The Power of Love: Unlocking Inner Peace
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The Power of Love:
Unlocking Inner Peace
Today’s topic is love. It is time for love. And the time for love, the growing of love, starts within each person. For the love in you is the Power in you. The power of your Creative Source, the power of your life source, is love. And when you look within and you grow this love, you grow a power that cannot be stopped.
You grow a power that brings peace. Peace of mind to you and peace to the world you live in. It is your responsibility to grow love.

It does not start by looking to someone else for it. It starts by looking within you, finding in you that love, that understanding, that compassion, that your creator, God, your life source is. Growing love can only be done when you start with yourself. When you stop looking at what another has, and wanting it. When you stop hearing what another says and blaming or criticizing what is said. Love comes from within. And when you grow love, you grow understanding. You grow the understanding to allow the other to be. You grow the understanding that when you are growing this love within, nothing can touch your world but more love. And it will grow like the sun rises is in the morning. It will grow in profound amounts.
The time for love is now, for man cannot survive without it. For love is the answer to all. Love is the answer to peace in your world. Peace in your mind. Peace in your heart. Peace in your daily life. And this is what we all long for. We all want peace. We all want to feel good. We all want to feel deserving. We all want to feel worthy. And when you have self-love, when you love yourself, you feel worthy of anything. And when you feel worthy of anything, you discover that you can have whatever you are desiring in your life, and it will flow to you easily. You do not need to have what another has. You do not need to judge what another does.
When you are growing love, they will see this, and it will help them to grow love as well. Thinking that you know what’s best for another will never grow love. It will grow a resentment from the other, for you do not walk in their shoes. You do not live their life, and you do not make their decisions for them.
They are here on their journey to learn and to understand. And each decision that they make has the consequence of thought, of worthiness for them as well. For each decision they make, when it is made with love, will lighten them. And when it is not made in love, will feel heavy upon them. And none of us knows what the other is thinking. None of us lives the other’s life to understand what they need to feel loved. To be loved. So it is time for love.
It is time for understanding. It is time for brotherhood, sisterhood. It is time time to relax your mind, to look within, and to realize love does conquer all, for love is God. When you decide that you are not taking the route of love, you may feel powerful. You may feel like you are more than another. But when you are not coming from the place of love, things do not always work out in the end. So do not wonder why your life is like it is if you are not pleased. Just reach within. Find love. Find compassion. Find understanding. Know in your mind what this is. And do not let another bring you into their world, where love does not exist.
The time for love is now. The time to show the power of love is now. And you show this power through your actions. Through your words. Through the kindness you offer another. Through the feeling of loving yourself, through loving your Mother Earth. The time for love is now. There is much aggravation in the the world. And there is no way to stop it except through love. Love is the answer. Many think love is weak. Love is submissive. But it is none of that. How could it be? Love is God. God is not submissive. God is everything. And he lives within you. And your journey in this life, your journey with your soul, in your soul, is to discover this. To discover that you are love and only love within, and then to show others this love.