Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
The Power of Words & Thoughts:
Transform Your Life From Within
Today we talk about owning your words, owning your thoughts. If you want to make a change in your everyday life, if you are trying to change your financial situation. Your health situation. The love in your life. Anything that you want to change, if you are trying to change them, you must own your thoughts. And you must own your words. You cannot push the blame onto anyone or anything else. For your thoughts are the beginning of where you are creating, and your words add on to this.
When you speak these words. Think these thoughts. And you begin to believe them, you put emotion with them. And the emotion can be happy or the emotion can be sad. But you’ve got emotion with them.

You are the only one who can own your thoughts. You are the only one who can own your words. You must walk away from conversations, situations that do not give you good thoughts, and do not have you offering good words. By good, we mean words that will uplift you. Words that will make you feel better. Words that bring ease into your mind. These are the words that you are looking for, and the thoughts that you want. To stay in a conversation, or to stay in a thought process that brings you a feeling in the pit of your stomach, is not a good conversation. And it is not thoughts or words that will bring you to what you want. If you are wanting prosperity, and you continue to talk about what you don’t have, you will continue to bring with you in your life those that will support this conversation, and those that will help you to commiserate on what you do not have.
If you want prosperity, you need to start talking of it. Thinking of it. And believing it. And believing it in small ways, will turn into big ways. Always believing that where you are at right now is quite a gift and you have so many things to be grateful for in this moment, will bring you more moments of gratitude, more moments of feeling like you have things. Feelings like you are not in lack. And when you start to have these feelings, you start to speak these words. And these thoughts are coming to you more often, about the things you have. When you focus on what you have, you do not notice what you do not have. And when you do this, you start to feel abundant and you become more abundant.
And you will be amazed as over time, more and more things start to come to you. The same goes with love or health. If you are constantly talking about your ill health, and those around you with ill health, you will continue to draw that to you. Doctors, hospitals, nurses, they all help with your health, but it starts with you. If you do not think you can, then you will not. You may have success for a short term, but whatever it was just may come back at you again, because your thoughts were in the wrong place and your words were saying the wrong words for what you wanted. The opposite words of what you wanted.
We should say that there really is no wrong. There is only creation. And when you create from a point of view that you don’t want, you are still learning much and you are still growing your soul. And this is what we are all about, all of us. Growing our souls. So if you want change in your life, it is up to you. Change your thoughts, change your words, which will change your beliefs and bring the emotions that you want, the good emotions that will bring you happiness and love and prosperity.
Walk away from conversations that do not work into what you you are wanting in life. Walk away from the television. Walk away from anything that does not give you in life the thoughts that you are wanting, for the words you want to build, for the life that you want to believe in. It is up to you. You’re the only one who can do this, for you are the only one who thinks your thoughts. So think the thoughts of what you want. Project out to the world what it is you are longing for, and let the world see that. Let the universe see that instead of seeing what you don’t want. For the universe will give you either or. It does not know the difference for you, for you are the commander, you are the creator of your life, and the universe is just going to give you what you are asking for.
And what you are asking for is projected out from your mind, from your thoughts, from your words, from your beliefs, from your emotions. And from there, you continue to take action with all of these things. And the action you take can be deliberate, knowing that you are going in the right direction, or can be just reactive to what’s already there.