Welcome, to Understanding the Power Within Simply-Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
The You Experiment
Unlocking Unconditional Love From Within
We have been discussing the you experiment for a little while now, and many do not possibly understand the importance of this experiment, for it is to help teach you or help you to understand unconditional love. You are loved unconditionally, but many put conditions on this love. You are energy, and you are the energy of God. This energy lives within you, and this energy in you is unconditional love. The only way to truly understand this is to love yourself unconditionally. And this is what the YOU Experiment is about. Helping you, word by word, thought by thought, get a little closer to this unconditional love, that is yours at all times. When you are putting conditions on yourself, when you are not loving yourself unconditionally, you are blocking the unconditional love that lives within. And the idea behind this experiment is for you to be able to open up, and love yourself as you should. Unconditionally. To be able to look in the mirror and be happy with you. To not worry what another thinks of you or says of you. For you love yourself, and you know when you love yourself, you can feel this love of God even more purely, and it starts to shine through you more purely.

When this happens, you are setting an example for others.
Loving yourself unconditionally is an amazing gift for all of those around you. For when you love yourself unconditionally, you’re not looking for their faults. You’re not looking for anything other than love because that’s what you feel and that’s what you have become. come. So you are growing love and you are setting the example of love. And how you do this as you love yourself unconditionally is, you leave conversations that are not of love. You guide the conversations back to love. You do not grow things that are not love. You see the beauty in the world and you are grateful for all of it. You see the beauty in yourself and you are grateful.
Now, to get to this point, for some, takes a little time, and that’s okay. For we all have lived lives and we all have experiences that have brought us in many directions. But it is simple to start. And if you focus on it, little by little, word by word, you will begin to love yourself unconditionally. You may start with the phrase, I am who I am, and I like me. For this phrase lifts the weight of others’ judgments and your own judgment off of you, and it frees you for even just that moment. So when things step in your way. When your own thoughts step in your way. When feelings of judgment step in your way, if the judgment is of yourself or from others, “I am who I am and I like me.” is a very easy, relaxing way to move past it. The more you do this, the easier it becomes to move towards the phrase, “I am who I am, and I love me.” And when the day comes that you say this. That you look at yourself in the mirror, or you sit in a chair, or take a walk, and you think these words to yourself, and they feel good, you are now on the path that opens this unconditional love to you.
The You Experiment is simple,
Just be kind to yourself
And when you’re on this path, it is so good that you want to share it with others. Try the you experiment. It’s quite simple. Speak kind words to yourself. self. Replace anything that is not a compliment, not of love, with a kind word. Take a moment, rephrase what you say, and be kind to yourself. Be kind to the cells of your body. Be kind to your energy. Be kind to you. The you experiment will be life changing when you step into it and you try it. You are the only one that can do that for yourself. No one can love you unconditionally until you love yourself unconditionally. For if you do not, you will feel as though you are being judged, that you are being looked upon in ways that do not feel good. When you can move past this with the unconditional love of yourself your life will become even more more amazing, more in balance with the trueness of you, the light living in you. God living in you.