Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Transform Your Life
Through Affirmations
We have been talking about affirmations. We have been talking about what the words you say to yourself, when you’re speaking to yourself. What they do to others when you speak to others. We were having a conversation with someone who swears up and down and all around that a lot of what’s going on in her body and in her life are not of her doing. She never thought the thoughts, so she didn’t create it.

We cannot stress enough, help you to understand, that if it is in your life, indeed, in one way or another, you brought it to you. You can’t always go back and trace every step for two reasons. Sometimes the things that you do are so normal, the things that you think are thought so naturally, you don’t even realize you’re doing it. And to go back and try to figure it out would just have you reliving it and, continually activating it in your life.
And this is what you’re trying not to do. You are trying to not activate in your life, things that you do not want. However, when you say that you will just ignore it and allow it to leave, that doesn’t always work. Because when you are ignoring, it is still coming back, and you are still giving attention to it at some points in your day. Maybe not every day, but it is still there. And this is why the words you say to yourself are so important. This is why an affirmation that feels good, an affirmation that resonates with you, an affirmation that brings positive frames of mind to you anytime you think of the subject you do not want, will help you to rid yourself of the situation, of the issue that you are having.
Affirmations are powerful when you feel them.
And that is the key. To feel them and to have them become an automatic trigger, let’s call it, in your mind. So when that ache or that pain shows up, your mind goes directly to that affirmation. An affirmation of health, an affirmation of self-love, an affirmation that feels right to you. And there is no one who can tell you what this affirmation is, for they cannot feel your feelings, think your thoughts, and know what is going on.
Affirmations can be suggested. But you must, must, must, make it your own. We have said, I am who I am, and I like me, or I am who I am, and I love me, is a great affirmation. Another one would be looking in the mirror, or looking within yourself, if you are not by a mirror, and thanking your body. Thanking the cells of your body, the molecules of your body for their beauty, their health, and their fitness. That is a great affirmation for health. Just saying thank you for being so beautiful. Thank you for being so healthy. Thank you for your fitness. Thank you. Thank you. Thank thank you. It depends on what you are trying to get, what you are trying to accomplish as to the affirmation you say, and you know this already.
We suggest that you write a positive statement down about yourself and turn it into your affirmation. Look up some affirmations online and find one that’s close to what you are looking for. And we say close because until you change the words to make them yours, the fit won’t be perfect, for you must own it. You must claim it. You must own it. You must feel it. You must believe it. And it must be a natural reflex to what you are trying to overcome. So that when you think of the knee that hurts, your first thought is, thank you so much for the health in my body. Or if you think of someone who is feeling like they are judging you, to be able to say, I am who I am, and I like me. Or I am who I am, and I love me.
Look in the mirror and see yourself and thank yourself for the beauty that you are. Many, many things, many affirmations are out there. Make them your own. But know in the end, if it is (something) in your life, you have somehow brought it to you. And if you have brought it to you, you can release it as well. For you are the power of you. No one, nothing, anywhere has power over you. You are the thinker of your thoughts. The believer of your beliefs. The speaker of your words. And you are the one who feels all of this. So you are the only one who can change any of this. Find some positive affirmations for yourself.
Think good thoughts. Know your words are powerful and believe in yourself. Know that whatever it is that you are trying to move past, it took some time to get there, so relax into this and allow the time it takes for your mind, your body, your beliefs, to release it. Do not deny that you did it to yourself, for this will hold you to it. It will keep it there. Just allow yourself to breathe through it and anytime it shows up, have your affirmation, that’s easy to remember, in your mind ready to go.