![Understanding The Power Within Trusting the Creative Power Within](https://understandingthepowerwithin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Trusting-the-Creative-Power-Within-150x150.jpg)
Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Trusting the Creative Power Within
Welcome to Understanding the Power Within, Simply, Easily. Today we are speaking of trust. What naturally follows knowing your worthiness is to trust. To allow the power living within you to come forth. You are learning a new way of thinking, a new way of understanding how you get what you get in life. Some may have already tried to implement what many call the law of attraction and have hit or missed results. So the learning, or relearning of this will take a knowing of worthiness and trust.
![Trusting the Creative Power Within](https://understandingthepowerwithin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Trusting-the-Creative-Power-Within-300x300.jpg)
Trust in yourself and what you are at the core of your being. When learning to trust, the questions asked many times are, how do I trust what I cannot see? How do I trust what I have tried when it did not seem to give the results I was wanting? How do I trust any of this? How do I know that any of this is true?
Here’s how you start. Here’s where you start. Quiet your mind and look within. Feel within. Breathe into the pure white light of love that fills the atmosphere. Breathe out the gray matter that fogs your mind, hiding beneath it, your true essence. Relax into this. Breathe easy in, easy out. Slow deep breaths in, slower deep breaths out. Allow yourself 15 minutes a day to feel the ease of this process. Have faith in the promises given.
Trust in the words, “ask and it is given”. This has been told many times through the generations, yet many take it as a grain of salt and throw it over their shoulder. These words are underestimated. For when you understand that they are true and trust in the truth in them, have faith in them, you will understand the gift given to you. The creative power given to you. Trusting that these words given are true and that you are worthy sets you on the road to creating a life of joy, love, abundance. When you are creating from this place of love, joy, abundance, the feeling of helping others naturally flows. Now you are creating your life. Now you are creating as your Life Source creates. Through love. You are creating the most perfect gift of all. For as your abundance grows, so does your yearning to help others. For you know that there’s enough for all. And in knowing this, you give. Have trust in yourself. Have trust in the creative process. Trust is faith. Trust is bringing your mind to the point of no return, when it comes to believing in the unseen. For the unseen power behind everything is our life source, creating through us.
“Ask and it is given.” No words are more true. Have faith, trust, believe. Know that when you fill your mind with joy, love, peace, all is taken care of. Expect this, allow this, and offer gratitude. Anything is possible for our Creator, and because He creates through us, anything is possible for us. However, we are the microcosm. Learning of this power within can be hard for us to understand the full magnitude of who we are. So we must just start with where we are.
And because we must start with where we are, we must be sure that we trust in our self. We must know that we are worthy. We must love ourselves as we are. Then, when we ask with clarity, with patience, with a trust in the faith we have cultivated, we believe. The easiest way to learn trust when you are wanting to deliberately create, instead of creating your life by default, is to start with something you can believe easily enough. Seeing this thing in your mind. Giving the emotion to the belief, and then letting it be. Allowing yourself to have the trust in the creative process. Make it something that you can easily feel worthy of. Make it something, some thought, that you can release knowing that it, or something even better, is being lined up for you, with the perfect timing of its arrival.
Let the words of trust appear in your mind when the thing crosses it. When this thing that you are wanting appears in your mind. Simply say, simply think, I trust. Feel the relief this brings, and release the idea with a feeling of worthiness. Fill your mind with a feeling of peace. For peace allows an allowing state of mind. Peace offers no resistance. Have a knowing within that the path to your desire will present itself. Then let it be. When you think of this desire, feel the peace in trusting the process. Things will start to happen. People may offer words, you may have thoughts that will spark an idea. You may feel inspired, and the creation will begin.
Continue allowing the path, by trusting that it is opening and will be something easily done. Something that will bring joy into your life. As you feel, you will receive. For your feelings are your beliefs, your faith, your trust. It is really as simple as that. So many like to start with what is considered a quantum leap. Something they consider big. For they want a bigger life. However, if you are thinking of whatever you are wanting as a big task, a big accomplishment, the road to it will take longer, for you must work through the beliefs that big presents. That is why it is easier to start with something more easily believed. You won’t have to work as hard to change the belief system that has been with you for longer than you know. And this belief system might just be what you came to this life to overcome. You will be able to relax into your desire easier. When you start with a believable goal. You nudge at your old beliefs one step, one part of that belief at a time.
Your beliefs will change more easily when the new ones are more believable. Relax into your new thoughts, new ideas. Feel them within. Do they bring ease? Do they fill your mind with joy? Do you trust? This is how you will learn to trust. Everything you desire is always there. But to most this does not seem believable. For if it is there, why is it not here? Why must we go through this process of learning how to create?
Learning how we create is becoming. Learning to create the things we desire helps us to understand the core of our being. To become is to allow the life source within to flow easily through us. And this life source flows when we release resistance. Resistance is doubt, anger, fear. Any negative thought. Our life source is always and only love. “All I have is yours.” When we trust this, when we release the thought of being judged by our creator, when we release the thought that he holds things back on us, it becomes much easier to allow the resistance to leave.
When resistance is gone, you are allowing a magnificent life to present itself to you, and through you for others to see. You will be a shining example. You will understand and know that there are no limits in this world, and you will be excited to share. You will be excited to give. The love that comes from these actions is the love from our Creator coming through, and now you are truly the image and likeness.