Unconditional Love: The Path to Peace
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Unconditional Love: The Path to Peace
We will once again talk about love, for it is the main reason for being here for all of us. God is love, and God is loving us unconditionally. And it is our journey, our task, to feel this love from within and to understand it. That we can share it with others. That we can help others feel the appreciation, the love, that is theirs by divine right.
There are many who put a judgment on others, saying that they have a life not approved of, and decide that they are the judge, they are the jury of this person. And this is not so. This person is possibly sent into their life, that they may understand how to love unconditionally.
Because when you love unconditionally, you are loving someone even though you are not approving of them. And it is not upon you to approve or disapprove. That is the whole point of unconditional love. The point of unconditional love, we have said many times, the key to loving unconditionally, is to love yourself first and foremost. You must love yourself unconditionally. For if you do not, you compare yourself to another. Or you compare their life to yours. You compare you to them. And things will never measure up, because you are different. And the difference is the learning lesson of unconditional love. The difference is the joy in this world in knowing that everyone is not the same. And it gives such a delightful feeling, when you can speak with someone and have a conversation with them, and learn from them from their point of view. Learn from them from what they are going through. Offering compassion. Offering love.
This is the key to peace. Many say they want peace and yet do not offer this love. Many say that they are following a righteous path, but yet they do not offer unconditional love. There are many paths. There are many religions. There are many different beliefs in this world. But to focus on love unites all. To focus on unconditional love brings peace. And peace is what most say they long for. So if this is true. If you are longing for peace. If you are one of those that speaks of it and wish that it were here. Then start to grow peace through your words, through your actions, through love. Through unconditional love, knowing love is the strongest power there is.
When you turn your back on another it is not love. When you when you choose to think of another, in terms other than them being an actual person, this is not love. When you can categorize people and put them in a little box, as though they are all exactly the same. This is not love. Unconditional love is opening your heart. Opening your mind. Opening your soul to others. Hearing them. Having compassion for them. And offering them the love and support that your God has living in you, ready. This unconditional love is ready to be given to all, but you have the power of it for you are the one it lives in. And how powerful is that, that this power so great and so strong lives in everyone.
Think of and imagine the world as a place of peace when we all tap in to this unconditional love that is there waiting. We can pray for peace, we can pray for things, but we must move beyond the prayer. We must move into the doing of it. The acting of it. Through offering the unconditional love that God has given us. What a great gift this is. We have the power to create peace. We have the power to have love become the all-encompassing thing of this world. We have the power. It has been given to us as a great gift. And this great gift cannot be utilized until we tap into it.
So let go of dogma. Let go of the things that man has written in the place of God’s Word. Let go of the judgment you are seeing in the books, and tap in to unconditional love, by knowing that when you can accept another, that you otherwise would not have approved of. When you can accept them. Help them. And love them through kindness. Through kind words. Through kind actions. Through kind thoughts. Then you are on the right path. Then you are creating a world where peace will come.