Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
You have the Power of change living in you.
Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom:
Finding Answers Within
Today we are talking about searching, looking for and finding what you are wanting in life. Many people, when they start their soul journey, search, but they search without. They start looking for the books that will help them, the people that will help them, the mediums, the card readers, whatever it may be in their life that they feel will help them. And this is good because it starts the journey. It gets the questions asked. It gets the thought process moving in the direction of finding out what you’re here for. What you really wanted to do in this lifetime. And helping you to succeed with that. But you must also know that when you are searching and you are asking for help from others, the help lives within you already.
So as you are searching, these others should be helping you to look within. They should be helping you to realize that you have the answers living in you, for you are the only person who can answer your questions. You are the only person that understands what you truly want. You can put things into words, and you can ask for the help from others. But in the end, it is you. If you are being guided back and back and back to something where they keep pulling you back in and they’re not pulling you, they’re not allowing you or helping you to look within, you might want to look for another person, another being to help you out.
For the only answers you will really truly get that will satisfy you are the ones living in you. We have talked about this many times, the art of meditating. The art of quieting your mind and going within. For the way to hear the answers from within is to find peace in your mind. Peace in your mind allows your mind to open up more. It allows your thoughts to slow down a little bit, and it allows your focus to become more clear on what you are wanting. You will be guided to the right thoughts, the right words, the right people, the right action, when you are in the groove of your desire, whatever that desire may be. For some, the desire is just to go deeper within the soul. For some, the desire is to have more earthly things in this lifetime. It doesn’t matter which desire you have. All of your answers are within.
So when you are seeking help. When you are searching for help. Know that there are many that will help you and guide you along the way. Know that there are many that can help you to start to find your answers. But know that the answers in the end ,always lie within you. And when you have the answer, you will feel the peace of the answer. You will feel joy in the thought process of how you will attain what you would like. Your journey should be filled with joy, should be filled with love, should be filled with peace of mind. And if you are not finding these things, it is time to look elsewhere.
This elsewhere always is within.
Learn to meditate. Learn to take that quiet moment or those quiet moments daily where you calm your mind. Write down your intent on the day. Write down your intent for your life and then sit back or lie back and relax. Close your eyes. If you’re outside, listen to and enjoy the sounds of the birds, the sounds of the wind, the sounds of the ocean, wherever you may be, and whatever beautiful, natural nature sounds surround you. Look within, feel within.
As you close your eyes, imagine your angel over your shoulder, ready to whisper into your ear, ready to help you with the words, the thoughts, the emotions. Ready to help you change your belief in who you are. Ready to help you change your belief in the worthiness of what you are asking for. Quiet your mind and listen. Breathe in that white, pure love of your creator. Breathe out the doubt. The feeling of not being worthy. The feeling of wondering where it is. Breathe in a knowing that the answers live within you, and breathe out about the doubt. When you are on this journey, it is good to surround yourself with people of like mind. And this is why you search, for you know that you must feed your mind, you must feed your soul with the positive. With people who are like thinkers, for they will strengthen your faith, they will strengthen your worthiness.
Those who do not strengthen who you are, not good for you at this time in your life. And to release them is the smart move for you. They will find their way. They will find their journey. They will find their like-minded people. But you, you are on a quest. You are on a search for who you are, what you want. You are on a search for the natural healthy being that you are. The being that is allowed all of the abundances of the world. You are on this search, and you will find this when you find like-minded people, who encourage you. Who love you. And who tell you, you can do this.
You are worth everything you ask for. You are with the right people when they give you the right words. But then also give you the thoughts to help quiet your mind. To really feel within, the true help that always knows what you are wanting, and always knows the path to it.
Close your eyes. Quiet your mind. Feel the peace in the moment. And imagine that angel, that guide, right next to you, whispering in your ear what you need to hear. And then allow your mind to accept that this truly happens. Allow your mind to accept that as you practice this over time, it becomes easier and easier. As you will do this over time, the words appear much more simply. You recognize what the words are. When you have a busy mind, when your mind is not filled with peace, the words are there, but they’re jumbled with everything else. Quiet your mind 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at night, and just relax into the knowing that you are worthy.
What you are searching for lives within you and is ready to be berthed through you. The life source living in you is capable of anything you ask. You must learn to allow and to accept that you can have anything you ask. That you are worthy. And when you receive what you ask for and joy fills you, you will naturally want to help, want to share this with others. For it is just the life source in you growing out of you, and saying to you and to everyone who surrounds you, all I have is yours.