Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily
The Power of Change, Lives in You
What Lives in Your Mind?
(This is what creates your life)
It seems as though the biggest misconception in most people’s minds, are when they think about what they think someone is thinking about. When you think about it. When you think about it, most people assume they understand what someone is thinking. Most people think that another is thinking something about them. And the truth is, usually they are not. The person who is worried about what somebody else is thinking, is actually judging themselves. And judging themselves quite harshly. You can never know what someone else is thinking. You’re not in their mind. And the odds are they really are not thinking it at all, whatever IT may be.

But yet you torture yourself. You think it through over and over again, and you have regrets. Or you have anger. Or you have whatever it is going on within your mind that plays again and again and again. Because you think you know what someone is thinking. Let us tell you, you can never know what is in someone else’s mind. And you must know that whatever is in their mind is not important to you. What is important to you is what lives in your mind. Because what lives in your mind is what is growing. What lives in your mind are the seeds you’ve planted. And when you start to worry about another’s thoughts. Another’s words, whatever it may be. You cultivate your own seeds, not theirs.
They have no idea of what you are thinking. And because they have no idea of what you are thinking. And you realize this when you see them and you have thoughts going on, you know they don’t know what you’re thinking. So when you think about it, if they have no clue what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, and what you’re experiencing. How could you possibly know what they are thinking. What they are experiencing in their own minds? It’s not possible. You do not live in their mind. And even if you were the proverbial mind reader, you still would not know what was in their mind. Because no one can really read another’s mind. You can read body language. You can read the eyes. But you can never know what truly goes on within the mind. That is their own world. And your mind is yours.
If you are shaping your life. Or if you are shaping your day. Or if you are shaping the next hour, or the next minute, off of what you think someone else is doing. What someone else is thinking. You are wasting your own time, so to speak. Because you can never know what they think. What is important is what you think of yourself, because what you think of yourself is what you will grow into. So be kind to yourself. Stop kicking yourself over what you think someone else thinks of you. Do not belittle yourself, through the thoughts of what you think another is thinking. When they are not. You do not know what they think. You do not know what they know. All you can do is take care of you. And the best way to take care of you, is to be kind to yourself. To know that no one is perfect. To know that the journey is a journey of self-love and joy. You will not find self-love when you try to figure out what someone is thinking about you, or about a situation.
When you are comfortable with your thoughts. When you know who you are. When you have faith in yourself. When you love yourself. You will not worry about what another thinks. Because you will realize that it is not important, what they are thinking. It is important about what you think. About you. About your world. About whatever you are wanting. Release the thoughts, that you need to worry about what another thinks. Release the thoughts, that hold you back, because you are wondering and worrying about another. If you talk to them, you will discover, most likely, that they have no clue about what you were thinking, that they were thinking.
This feels like a bit of a tongue twister tonight. It’s more like a mind twister. Stop twisting things in your mind. Stop twisting words in your mind. And love yourself. Honor yourself. And be happy with who you are. Do not worry about what another is thinking. You cannot control what they think. And you do not know what they think. And most likely, they are not thinking of you in a way you are thinking. This sounds so complicated. With so many times saying the word thinking. So let us simplify for you.
Love yourself. Honor yourself. Know your self-worth. Know that you are loved. And know that the thoughts that matter the most, are your thoughts of you. Go out each day with the confidence of who you are. Go out each day looking for the joy that you deserve. Go out each day. honor yourself with self-love. Honor yourself knowing that you are loved by your Creator, with a love beyond words, beyond feelings, beyond the comprehension that anyone in physical form can understand. When you understand that you are loved this deeply. This perfectly. You will understand the value of you. And you will not worry again about what you might think, that someone might be thinking, about you.