Step 2: Words-Life Transformation-Transcription
We have been talking about this power that lives within you and creates through you. This power is God, your Creator. Offering you unconditional love through all of your decisions. Saying to you, all I have is yours. Saying to you, you give me the direction and I love you so much, I will give you what you ask.

We have been speaking about how this works. How could this possibly be. How can you be creating your life. How can you NOT be at the whim of a Creator who judges you, a Creator that throws things at you.
As we have said, you are creating things through your thoughts, through your words, through your beliefs and the emotions that you put upon all of this. Today we are speaking of the words and the power they carry.
It is quite easy to explain this to some, because most will say…Watch your words. Be careful what you say. They understand that our words have power. Our words have power to bring someone up or to bring someone down. Our words can be sharp. Our words can be kind and loving.
What we are suggesting is that you start to pay attention to how you speak to you. What do you say?
What words are you saying to yourself? For when your words to yourself are kind and loving, the words you offer to others will follow. If the words you say to yourself are judgmental, you will judge others.
If the words you say to yourself are sharp, they will be sharp to others. You cannot help this, for this is what you become, who you are. We would like to help to guide you to the words that offer you love, offer you kindness. The kindness you deserve. thus offering you what you are wanting in life.
Your thoughts turn in your mind and they will become words. And the words can be spoken or the words can be thought, but they are still words. And these words are going to help you to create everything in your life. So when you think of words, when you look in the mirror, it is so important to replace the words of judgment that you have, with the words of kindness for who you are.
So do we believe these words, these kind, loving words, or do we look in the mirror and see the body that we do not want. Or look at our life and see the things that we do not want and then judge it from there? Do we throw our words outward at others? Do we offer kind words or do we not?
Your words are so important, and it is good to pay attention to them.
It is good to stop yourself, to look at yourself, and to actually say stop, when you have something to say and it does not please you. When you start with kind words you say to yourself, you will be creating love for you. You will be creating kindness for you. And this is the best way to spread love and kindness in the world. It is a great thing to look at yourself and to say, “you are beautiful”. But then change the word from “you” to “I”.
And now you begin to understand power in words.
The words “I am” are the words of creation. when you say, I am beautiful you are beautiful, for you will change the thoughts in your mind about who and what you are. And your words will ring true to you. It is important to continue to say the words that you want to make them become true to you, and they will.
They will, when you back your words and your thoughts, when you put them together and you look in the mirror and you say, I am beautiful. I am kind. I am generous. I love myself as I am. I am a good person. I am a loving person. I am confident. I am willing to learn. I am willing to accept good in my life.
I am. I am. I am.
When you say I am, be sure you follow it with a compliment, with kind words always. If you find yourself in your old habits of the I am’s that were not of benefit to you, stop yourself right then and there and replace the words with the words of kindness and love.
Your words create your life.
For as you speak them, you believe them. Beliefs are the thing we will speak of next. But today, we are speaking of your words. YOUR WORDS ARE POWERFUL. Even the flippant ones, the ones that you think of as a joke, carry power. For if you’ve said them, you most likely somewhere within believe them, you have thought them, and you are creating with them. So, to understand the power of your words is to look at your life as it is and listen to yourself as you speak.
Some still will say, I don’t see this. I don’t understand how I did this to me with my thoughts, my words. I never thought them. I never said them. And we would say, oh, but if it’s there, you have. You have done so. And the way to change where you’re at is to accept this. Accept that you have created the life you are living. You have created the reality you are in. When you accept this, this is when you will begin to understand and change to the things you are wanting to not accept it will stick you in that spot and if it is a spot you like it’s okay but most don’t want to be stuck anywhere anyway Anyway, most want to continue to grow, to move forward, to have more, for this is a natural thing. It’s a natural growth, and this is why you’re here. You are growing. Your soul is growing. growing we would suggest when you speak, to listen to yourself and to focus once again on the words of love and kindness to yourself first and foremost. For it is hard to say words of love and kindness to another when you do not feel that for yourself. Everyone is different everyone has their own journey. In the eyes of your creator, you are pure perfection.