Super Power 1 – Joy

Joy is a super power! It lives in everyone! When you focus, making it a point to look for people, things that give you the feeling of joy, your world will change. Joy brings happiness, health, good relationships, riches of many kinds. Feelings of joy will bring you more joy! It gives you peace of mind and it brings ease to your body.


Joy is a giving thing…

When you are happy, you will want to share this happiness. The more you share, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more you will want to share. Your space, your aura will start to fill quickly with the joy you have created. Feeling joyous becomes easier and easier, for joyous things are attracted to you. Like attracts like. So act as, (attract) what you like.

Attract joy, attract love and
you will have attracted the magic of the universe.

Joy is simple, yet many have a difficult time seeing it. We are suggesting that you find that one thing that is easy for you to feel the joy of. A hug, a smile, a kind word from another. Play it over and over in your mind until it is all you can think about. See it, feel it. Then stay there. Feel the joy and know, this is the beginning of a joy filled day. A joy filled time. Tap into the universal powers, the angels and guides who, when asked, are ready to help. Just ask. Ask to see more and more joy in your life. Ask for help in noticing the things that bring you joy. Ask and it is always given. You just need to have your mind in a state of allowing. When you are in a joyous state, you will be able to more easily allow what you have asked for into your life. When you are in an allowing state, you will notice. You will see. You will begin to understand your worthiness.

You will begin to feel worthy of your desires.

For some, feeling worthy can be difficult. For it is so engrained in many that there is lack. That there is not enough. That they are not enough. But you are enough, and there is always enough. There is plenty for you and for others. When you have manifested your desires, you can share. You can teach by example. And by doing so you have taught others to “fish”. For that is key to all. They just need someone to show them how to wake up to what lives within. The unending supply of Source. Of God. Of All That Is. Then they can get to their task at hand. Seeking joy. Seeking joy is an amazing journey. It is a journey that can be shared. But each person still must do their own work, for only they know what will bring them joy.

Joy is a super power. For when you feel joy nothing can stop you.

Filling your mind with joy, filling your life with laughter leads your mind into the direction of bliss. “Laughter is the best medicine.” When you are filled with joy, you can feel the ease it brings with it. Relaxing into a joy filled moment, then reliving that moment and enjoying it again when the thought arises, will bring on more joy filled thoughts. These thoughts will “snowball” into more and more good, joy filled thoughts. As this happens, as joy fills your mind, it fills your heart. It fills your body. It fills your life. Breathe in as much joy as possible. Joy is a super power. For when you feel joy, nothing can stop you.

Joy is a Super Power!

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