When you have filled your heart with joy. When you have lifted the heaviness from your mind with forgiveness, gratitude naturally fills you. How lighthearted you feel! Those things weighing on your mind have vanished, replaced with the feeling of joy and thankfulness…gratitude.
The power of gratitude must not be overlooked.
For when you are grateful, you are in an allowing state.
An allowing state of mind that will bring more and more good to you. The Universe responds very well to joy, gratitude. As you feel appreciation for your gifts the Universe says, “you loved and appreciated the gifts given, which pleases me, so allow me to give more.” When you are grateful and allowing, more and more beautiful gifts present themselves to you. These gifts can be gifts of love, health, harmony, abundance, peace of mind and so on.
When you are grateful,
you are focused on good.
You are filled with joy.
What a powerful combination this is! Gratitude, forgiveness, joy! Saying thank you, showing appreciation for what you have, will naturally bring more good to you. When you are grateful, when you are focused on the good received, you are creating more good. This is because your thoughts, your words, your beliefs, your feelings are all in harmony with more good. The more good your receive, the more good you will naturally feel and believe is coming to you. You accept, you allow with appreciation, a feeling of worthiness. This fills you with the feelings of joy.
This is the creative process.
You can feel your good, so much so, that you can see it in your mind. You know you are worthy, and you hold the thought of appreciation, gratitude for what is coming. You do not wonder when or how. Your mind just knows. You allow the ease of these thoughts. You allow your good. You create good. All of these thoughts, these feelings of gratitude can spread like wildfire to those who surround you. When you are grateful for all they do for you, they feel this appreciation and love. It helps them to become even more generous, not only to you, but to others as well.
Gratitude, appreciation can become “viral” to all who are affected.
You know how you feel when you are appreciated. And you understand that the acts of kindness that grow appreciation need not be grand. “Small” acts things can grow into beautiful things. All seeds start small and when nurtured grow into beautiful, bountiful plants. Some bearing fruit, some bearing flowers. All are beautiful and offer joy.
The power of gratitude should not be underestimated.
When you miss the feeling of gratitude, things can “snowball” in the opposite direction. So it is important to recognize when someone is appreciative. Do not push their gratitude to the side, thinking that it is not genuine. If they say thank you, accept it and live it in your mind. Feel it. You are growing your world one thought, one word, one moment at a time. If you have accepted the gratitude of another, in whatever way it was offered, you have decided to accept the positive into your life. Listen to the words offered, hear these kind words given and accept. Be in the moment of accepting. Be in the moment of growing a strong, happy, positive outlook on your life and the things that surround you. Accepting gratitude and offering gratitude is life changing.
Gratitude shapes your life, moment by moment.
Gratitude is a super power, for gratitude helps to shape your life, moment by moment. Revel in the gratitude you recieve and be generous in the gratitude you give. For when you put this all together, you begin to understand the Power within. You begin to understand the power of your words, thoughts, emotions and actions in forming your life. You understand the power you have in helping others. The power you have in shaping your world and the world around you.