When you have joy in your life.
When you have forgiven.
When you are filled with gratitude,
you have grown LOVE.

Love is the ultimate of all super powers.

For love is all of these powers combined. When shared Love is the conqueror of all.
We were created from Love, with love. When we get back to the core of our being, it is LOVE.

Ailments, hate, judgement…all thoughts without joy, without forgiveness, without gratitude are loveless. They are missing the love of self. The love of others. The love for others. They are missing the love given from our Creator. A Love that is always there, waiting for our recognition of it. The natural Love that allows all to grow in beauty, harmony, joy.

Love is simple. Just accept…accept the beauty of the day. Accept the beauty and the “flaws” of each person as they are. Accept the simple pleasures that make you feel good. Accept your worthiness of the unconditional Love living within you. The challenge for many is, how do you love someone that you do not like? How do you grow love in situations of conflict? How do you love without exception?


The key is love of self.

When you love yourself unconditionally, it is easier to accept others as they are. You see, when you love yourself, as you are, they cannot step into your love and change it. You have the confidence, the knowing that others words, others thoughts of judgement do not matter. You are good with who you are. So when you meet someone “you do not like”, you can overlook what you do not like about them. You accept them as they are. You can “love” them as they are. For you realize that they have built themselves to be what they are, and you are what you believe yourself to be, as well. No words, no actions can hurt you. And you do not wish words nor actions onto another that would harm them. Harm being anything that would bring their mind into a negative state. It becomes easier for you to see the good in them. And as you see their good, you help to bring it out.

                               Loving another is accepting them.

They may be acquaintances, or they may be people you meet in passing. But your mind has accepted and blessed them, allowing not only your good to grow, but theirs as well. There is no judgement. If they are of like mind they will continue to show in your life. If they are not, they may be a person who is just passing through. But in passing through your life, they have helped you learn to love, to bless, and then to release what does not work for you on your journey in this life.

                             An act of kindness is an act of Love.

It is so simple, yet complicated by so many. An act of kindness is an act of love. Kindness offered, first and foremost, to yourself. This is too important to ignore and must be mentioned often. Self love. Look at yourself with kindness. To kick yourself, is to kick another. They cannot be separated, even if you think that they are. For when you “kick” yourself, you will usually wonder what others think about you. You think they see the same “flaws”, the perceived imperfection that you see. You are concerned with outer appearances, things that another may not have even noticed, nor given a second thought to. When you have self love, you have raised your frequency, your vibration. Because of this, you will not notice, nor care of what another may think. To do this would lower your frequency. For your higher vibration feels good, and you do not want to return to a lower “vibe”.

So, how do you help another? How do you show love to another?  With kind words, kind thoughts, kind actions. Practice this. Become this. You may think it difficult to do with some more than others. Just know, as your vibration rises, if they are not in the mindset of accepting, allowing the kindness you offer, they will most likely be in your world less and less. Know that even if they do not appear to have been affected by your kindness, they cannot help but to have absorbed even a little of it.

                                            Love is a Super Power

Some perceive Love to be weak, for it appears passive. It is not. Love grows all you see. Love flourishes. When you look around you, all of the beauty you see is a creation of love. LOVE IS GOD. Love is All That Is. Love is the Source of your being. Love has no boundaries. Love has no limits. When you create with Love, there is nothing to stop you. For nothing can challenge the Power of Love.


God is Love. Nothing can challenge the Power of God. Therefore, nothing can challenge the Power of Love.

This Love, this God Power lives within all. For everyone and everything is a creation of God. We are an emanation of God. We started as God’s thought and were created in Love. Your thoughts are powerful, for God lives within your mind, waiting for you to give direction for growth. Waiting to give you what you think of, speak of, believe and give emotion to. Waiting to fill your life with Joy, Love. Waiting for you to awaken to your true self. The self you came here to grow. The self you came here to be. When you are creating with Love, your are in harmony with your Creator. When you are in harmony with your Creator, Love, Joy, Peace of Mind becomes dominant in your life.

Growth is much quicker, easier with Love.

 Love is light. Light is uplifting, empowering. For when you are in a positive state of mind, things just come easier. Your mind opens to the help, the possibilities, the ideas that live within. You are in an allowing state. You are in a receptive state. You are in harmony with the core of your being.

Love is a Super Power For Nothing can stop the Power of Love Nothing can stop the Power of God


Know this. Live this. Become this.
Become Love.
The ultimate of all Super Powers.

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