Everything Ever Created Is Vibrational Energy
Vibrational energy is thought in action.
This energy is God energy.
The vibration of God is alive everywhere.
For God Created
Offering the vibration of life, for she nourishes us with food, water and the oxygen from her plants.
Offering the vibration of warmth, joy and uplifting energy for our well being.
Creating the ebb and flow of the oceans, rivers, lakes & streams offering a soothing effect for our souls.
There is an energy vibration in the plants we grow.
Plants are known to react to the words given to them. Kind words help them to flourish, harsh words cause them to wither.These vibrations given are in harmony with the law of growth in every living being.
The Law of Vibration

There is an energy vibration we offer to the food we eat. And this vibration gives us the direct
result that our bodies come to be. Eating with pleasure, being grateful will give different results
than eating with guilt, or the thoughts that food is anything but our friend.
Vibrational energy, at its core, is the vibrational energy of our Creator.
God’s vibrational energy is the energy of love, kindness, joy, peace. Everything created, began as a vibrational match to God, our loving creator. It is OUR thoughts that change what we see, what we experience through our own perception of it. This is why you are a vibrational match to the world you see, the world you live in. For it is how you perceive it.
You are always the perfect match to your vibration.
As an example, you could look at something and see it as “blue” and another will argue that it is “purple”. You each see it in your own way, through your beliefs.How many times can you think of, where you were convinced that you were right, about some “thing” and the other person was convinced that they were right. No form of conversation nor argument could change the mind of either of you. This could not be helped, for you were on different vibrational frequencies, thus saw the object in question through your own beliefs.
Everything in your world is a vibrational match to the energy you emit. This energy is always forming and is easily changed, if you like, by changing the words you speak, the thoughts you
think, the pictures in your mind, the beliefs you have of any of this, and the emotions you feel
towards it. It is easy to see where you are at vibrationaly. Just look at the world that surrounds
you. Look at the people in your life. Take note of how you feel about yourself. Take note in how
you feel about whatever you are wanting. Do you feel worthy? Do you feel in control? Or do you
feel controlled?

Do you understand your true power?
Do you realize that you are the only one who can change your life?
Do you realize that you have the Power living within offering you this gift of creation?
Most likely, you have many things in your life that are pleasing to you, and other things in your life that you could “do without”. Do you have drama or joy? Maybe you have a mix of the two. Do you have sickness? Health? Do you have abundance? Lack? Take a look and be honest with yourself. For everything is a perfect match to the vibrational energy you emit. If you have a bit of everything, you are sending mixed signals. Now there is nothing wrong with this. For this life is a learning experince. You are here to understand better, how you create your life, your reality.
Just in understanding that you have the power to change your life,
to understand that you are at the mercy of nothing,
is a great point of power for you.
Now for some of the things you have in your life, you might say, “I do not believe that I have created this thing that does not please me”, for why would I have created such a thing. There is no way I would want this, much less attract it. “I would not do this to myself,” is a common reaction. Some say, I am at the mercy of what God chooses for me. Some say I am at the mercy of chance. We would like for you to understand, chance has nothing to do with the creating of your life, when you understand how you create.

You have been given the gift to create your life as you would like it to be.
You see, God does not test. God does not judge. God does not choose to love one more than another. God does not choose illness. God is always and only unconditional Love and says, “All I have is yours”.
You have the greatest gift that could ever be conceived, for you have the gift of creation.
You have the greatest gift that could ever be conceived, for you have the gift of creation. The key is to create from a better, more powerful point of view. From the knowing that you are in charge of you. Then create as your Creator would.
Create from a point of love, self confidence and a feeling of giving to others. When you do this,
your creations will be filled with joy. When you create without these feelings, your life becomes
a bit more happenstance. For your energy has wavered from it trueness. Its Core.
You are here to learn of this energy.
You are here to understand how you create from this energy.
When you speak, your words are creative vibrational energy.
When you think, you thoughts are creative vibrational energy.
What you picture in your mind, is creative
vibrational energy.
Your emotions, in a high or low vibration, are creative vibrational energy.
What you believe is creative vibrational energy.
Many call this the Law of Attraction. The Laws of the Universe.
But it all comes down to the same thing in the end.
It is the vibrational energy, emitted by you.
You may wonder,
if everything is created through God,
how can I be the one creating my life?
The answer is, you have the power of choice. You make the decisions that guide you through your life. God lives within you. God creates through you. God is at the Core of who you are. The Light living within you is the essence of God. So the thoughts, pictures, words and beliefs, along with your emotions, are the directions you give. It is how you begin the creative process.
As you begin, to become more aware of the creative process, know that your creations can only come to you in ways that you can believe and trust. They will come through people, events and “coincidences” that feel natural to you and so on. There is no magical “abracadabra”….
There is only, Your words. Your thoughts. Your pictures. Your beliefs. Your emotions.

Have Faith in who you are.
Know that God loves you unconditionally.
Know that you are worthy of your desires.
As you begin your journey in the learning of how to deliberately create your life, the vibrations of Joy, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love are very powerful, for when you are creating from these vibrations, you will be creating in harmony with the core of who/what you really are.
For you well be creating in harmony with your Creator.
As you begin we wish for you,
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