Claim the Power of I Am
Understanding The Power Within
Claim The Power Of "I Am"

Welcome to Understanding the Power Within-Simply Easily

The Power of Change, Lives in You
Claim The Power Of "I AM"

Have you ever said to yourself, Who am I to do this? Or who am I to do that? Who am I when there appears to be more qualified people out there, in whatever it is you are thinking about? Or there appears to be people who have the knowledge beyond what you have and you ask, who am I? What can I do? How can I make a difference when I don’t feel as though I’m enough?


And we would tell you, you are always enough. You are perfect as you are, and you are in a place that no one else can be. You are at a vantage point that no one else can see. When you ask yourself these questions, you are questioning your worth, your validity in this life.

Claim the Power of I Am

 We will tell you that you are worth anything and everything. You are worth love. You are worth success. You are worth friendship. You are worth peace of mind. You are worth joy. You are worth the things in life that you are wanting. And the only thing that holds you back from having what you are wanting is your own thought process. What you think of yourself. You are the only one who can change this. You are the only one who can know your true worth another’s opinion does not matter, another’s judgment does not matter unless their opinion is encouragement.

 When you are looking at doing something, when you want to accomplish something in your life. Something that you feel will make you happy. Something that you feel will give you joy. Something that you feel will give you the worth that you are looking for, you must change your words and you must say this is who I am. I am a person who is worth happiness. I am a person who is worth love. I am a person who is worth joy. I am a person who is worth the good things that this world has to offer. I am a person who can figure it out. And I am a person who can do whatever it is that I am setting my mind towards doing. And I will do this by leaving out the doubt. By leaving out the who am I question and changing that to I am. I am capable. I have what I need living in me. I have what I need surrounding me. I have what I need and I just need to open to it, and to accept it.

Now, when you first start on your journey, it may feel a little daunting, because you may not be used to taking the step forward, and being bold about who you are. But that is the way to do it, to be bold. There is something to be said at times about being humble. When you are offering encouragement to another. Many times you may be humble, as they think it through and figure it out. And it may feel as though it’s something you have figured out already. But not necessarily from their point of view. So being humble and keeping your opinion to yourself, is worthwhile for that person. But to be humble with yourself and slow yourself down. When you are being humble, and in this humbleness, you are holding yourself back, this is not the thing to do.

We all do things through love, through grace, through joy. But you must step forward. You must know that you are worth what you are wanting. You must step into it, or you will wonder, as the years go by, what might have been. And we are not saying that things will be perfect. This is a life worth learning in. This is a life of journeying and traveling from one experience to another. And something you think you may have wanted, may not turn out to be that way. But you can look at yourself inwardly. You can look at yourself in the mirror and say, I am glad that I learned, what I learned from this situation. And I am going to keep moving forward with what I am doing, because I am worthy of all of the good, all of the love, all of the support that is there.

And I am capable of whatever it is that I am wanting. When you are using the words, I am, use them wisely for they are a command. They are energy set in motion. When you are using the words I am, pay attention to your emotions. How do they make you feel? Are you saying I am worthy and I am good and feeling good about yourself? Or are you saying I am not capable and I am not worthy? Two very different things following the words I am. And when you pay attention, every time you say, I am, and you watch your words, you guard your words to be positive, you guard your words to be encouraging to yourself, you will notice around you things turning and moving and gliding towards you in a way of help and in a way of encouragement. You will notice it in the opposite direction if your words are not kind to yourself. Every day look in the mirror and appreciate who you are because you are a loving, living creation of God.


You are the likeness of God. You are an emanation of God, and you can only be one thing, and that is good. It is love. It is kindness. When you put these words together, you become that one thing. You become an encourager, and you will encourage yourself, and you will encourage others. For you have the confidence to move forward in whatever it is you are wanting to do, and you will not have the time to hear the words in your mind or the words from others that do not help you grow in this direction.

Pay attention to what you are saying to yourself. Pay attention to your words. pay attention to your thoughts pay attention to your emotions, and change your belief into that of being worthy, of whatever it is you are wanting we all are gifted with the same loving creative force living within us, in that way we are not different. The only thing that sets us apart is how we value ourself, how we value our worth, how we speak to ourself, how we think of ourself, how we look at ourself, what we believe in ourself. This is the core of who you are.

To look in the mirror and decide that you love you for who you are in this moment will become life-changing. For as you love yourself more and more, you will become more and more of what you are truly wanting in this life. Know your worth, know your value. You are worth everything, and you are valued by your creator. You are loved.

The Power of Change, Lives in You.

We wish for you,
love in your life,
peace in your mind,
joy in your soul.

2 thoughts on “Claim The Power Of “I Am””

  1. I am inspired by your uplifting words! I feel so good after listening to your podcast!
    I am grateful to you, Kathy Ann!
    I feel empowered by the words you speak!

    I am Margie.
    I am light.
    I am Love.
    I am the rose.
    I am the garden.
    I am all of it.
    I am you, and you are me.
    Reflecting back what we see.

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